How To Write a Fan Fiction

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1) Start as soon as the idea comes!

When you get an idea for a fan fiction, it's best you start writing the idea down. The reason I say this is because, the fresher the idea comes out of your mind, the better the outcome of the fan fiction will be (or at least that's what I think).

2) Let others around give their opinions.

It's best if you let people criticize the draft rather than people hating on the final. You have to be really patient with this part, and also partially grateful. Thank them for the time they've given, and correct your mistakes if they've pointed them out for you.

3) Ask yourself, 'If this was canon, would the character actually do this?'.

This is the part were you really need to be careful. I have found it very irritating to be reading fan fictions and see that the character does something... out-of-character. For example, lets say I was writing a fan fiction about 'My Hero Academia'. Lets do a 'Midoriya x Uraraka' ( cause why not ). Then I write something like 'Deku pushed her into the wall, forcefully kissing her'. No, no, no. Midoriya has a caring, lovable and brave characteristic so it is unlikely for him to do such a thing. Here, I'll fix it, 'Deku looked into her eyes, watching it shine and twinkle in the night sky. He gazed at her, noticing her beauty in a sparkle of grace. It was such a view, her features glowing like never before. He realized he was staring for too long, his flushed face gave Uraraka something to laugh about. "Uraraka-chan?" "Yes?" "Y-You look... You look lovely tonight," ' I'm not the best writer and that was just a sample so please don't hate on me ;-;

4) Try not to make it cringeworthy (• *-*)●                                                                                                       

The one thing readers (and hopefully, writers) dislike reading are cringeworthy fanfictions that sound like they were made by a cringey 12 year-old weaboo craving the attention their parents never gave them. I get it, sometimes I write something down and think, "Oh this is good", it's the next morning and I nearly puked over my work. That's okay... so long no one sees it. Just fix it and go on with the adventures writing. 


This is the one things that irritates the  h e c k  out of me. It really angers me when a writer forgets to put a comma or that one apostrophe mark, but sometimes it's the small things that helps the story. Please remember your grammar.

6) Edit.

BOOM! You've just finished with your draft! Time to post- No. Let me stop you there. The draft is just the idea written out raw, so now it's time to process it. Think of it like gold, you're not just going to sell the thing raw, you make it beautiful. To edit your fan fiction, you need to:

A. READ the story over and over until you understand it.

B. PINPOINT your mistakes and write rough notes.

C. Finally, REWRITE the beauty you've made and give it to the world to share!

7) Time to share!

You've come a long way, and now it's the end of your journey. It's best you share it, because, you can't keep such a precious item to yourself. Let the world see it! (Or at least me\( ̄︶ ̄*\)) ) Please send me links of your fan fiction so I can enjoy the beauty you've just created, I'd like to read them and tell you what I think. Don't worry, I'm not mean and I'd like to help where I can! 

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you can become better at this skill. Remember, practice makes perfect, so write as much as you can! I send my * h o p e * to everyone who struggles to write and encourage them to keep on writing! Never give up and keep on, bye for now  :)))

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