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Silent whispers and dancing shadows of the long, rich brown colored arms of an old oak tree stretching out above me. The soft, cooling sensation that spread throughout out my body from the chilled air that circulated itself around  The Northern Corner.

Long, chocolate brown ringlets curled down pale skin as wide and soft jade green eyes locked on the horizon far away from the courtyard in which held myself and a few other of the many residents of Sector 21-B, their rustling as more of the cold swirls of wind blew through.

The sunlight's rays began to diminish as the bright light sank away below the horizon and signaled the end of another day in The Northern Corner. My legs moved on their own as they pushed my body upwards and off of the cool metal bench from which I was sitting on only moments ago.

The limbs of the oak tree still moving ever so slightly as I made my way forward. The silent, tranquil courtyard being left behind as I made my way back to my hallway. The dark gray colored walls passing by in a blur as my feet followed the familiar path on which I have taken almost every day of my simple life.

Men and women dressed in simple black clothing moved up and down the depressing hallways. Their faces contorted into an emotionless facade as they walked around. My eyes merely passed by them as I made my way back to my home complex. The white tiled floors suddenly seemed interesting to my mind as I passed by another guard, this one a man. And I knew him.

"Kieran Blaire!" A loud, gruff voice called out as I shuffled my way down the halls. My feet froze in their place and, against my wishes, turned back around to face the owner of the voice; a guard named Leon Kane. My eyes stayed locked on the rules below my feet as I heard his heavy footsteps approach me.

"Yes, Sir Kane?" My own, voice, quiet her higher pitches than his, spoke. A slight waver in as I pronounced each word. With my head still lowered, I raised it up ever so slightly so he'd know I heard him.

"You're hair," his deep, low voice uttered out in an even, flat, and calm tone. My green eyes widened as I realized my mistake; my hair was not tied up. My hands moved quickly and searched my pocket for my silk, indigo colored ribbon.

A soft swatch of material brushed up against my fingers as I yanked the strip of fabric out of my pocket. Then, reaching my pale arms behind my head, I began the task of tying my hair back into a low ponytail with the blue ribbon. I slowly moved my arms back to their resting position at my side and looked up at the guard slightly.

"Good," he muttered in a voice that was almost inaudible before giving a slight nod. But, before he left my side he turned around and gave me a sick smile "Good luck with your sister."

Confusion bloomed in my head before realization kicked in and my black dress shoe covered feet practically flew off down the hall. My eyes followed along the doorways that lead into each quarters, each with a number and the last name on the dark gray colored door.

"Please let him be wrong!"

My eyes locked into the gray door that was labeled with my name and quarters number. A piece of white colored paper was stuck in the file holder that was on the door. My hands shook as I reached for the paper.

Dear Miss Kieran Blaire,
This note is regarding your younger sister, Kirin Blaire. She has been caught in the library after hours and has not completed her homework, please meet her coordinator in Sector 21-B's Schooling Center.
Thank you,
Sir James Carter.

I could feel the tears begin to form in my eyes. Whether it was of relief or happiness that she will otherwise be fine, I wasn't sure. A soft sight escaped my lips as I began to fumble for my keys. Once I found them, I slipped the key into the bronze metal lock. The locked clicked once as I pushed the heavy door open and stepped inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2020 ⏰

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