Intro/Only just a dream

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((Rachel's POV))
I sat down on the couch looking at a picture of me and Finn. Why did he go? I miss him so much. I wish he'd sing just one last song with me......"Rachel?" I turned to see Finn. "Finn! I love you!" I said crying into his chest. "I have to leave you again....." He said and faded away. "Finn no!" I screamed crying.
"FINN!" I screamed jumping out of bed crying. "Rachel!? Another dream?" Kurt asked and I nodded crying. "She okay?" Blaine asked sitting by me. "Yeah just another Finn dream" Kurt responded and I sighed. "One more song...that's all I want....just, just one more kiss...." I said as Santana came in with her bags. "Hey guys have to crash here. What's with her?" She asked and I cried harder. "She's been having dreams about Finn for a week now. And why do you have to 'crash' here?" Kurt asked. "Because I need a place to sleep and eat. Now Rachel I use to have dreams about him too. It's time you get your ass out of bed and face the fact he's up with god next to gay Michael Jackson" Santana said and I laughed lightly. "I know he's in a better place but....he was my person the one for me" I explained and she groaned. "Okay if you wanna just sit here and bitch about how your life SUCKZ instead of chasing your dreams and being a bitchy boss like Finn would want you to" Santana said and left the room. She's right I guess....

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2014 ⏰

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