Author's Note

45 10 23

Before we get started, I would like to thank everyone for helping me get this far. I value all of my viewers, readers, roleplayers, and the like, but I personally adore my AMAZING friends that I have made on here!!!

I will do shoutouts now!!! No need to thank me, it's just a habit ^w^

Starting off with my closest friends on Wattpad (who are also mostly in the roleplay Bea's Revenge, as I get to know people by roleplaying in my Rp books), we have:
Legendary_Etta_7 and her teammates, YellowoftheNight , Em_LoveIslandCap , and BlakeWaterDancer
(I am a part of YellowoftheNight 's Hotline crew and Em_LoveIslandCap 's shipping crew, if you want to join I will leave the links either down below or in my bio)

Ok, those were my friends from Bea's Revenge! Here are some other close friends that I met outside of roleplay (some aren't that close, but oh well)



Here are the groups I'm currently in!
Yellow's Hotline Crew -
Emerald's Shipping Crew (on hold until further notice) -
Bea's Revenge -
Allister Protection Squad -

Those are the most major/popular groups I'm in. Bea's Revenge and the Allister Protection Squad were created by me. Make sure to fill out a form if you want to be in either. For Bea's Revenge, since it is a group AND individual roleplay, be sure to also either PM me and say if you want to do individual or group, and if you choose group, just be ready to get a random tag in a random chapter of the roleplay book. YOU HAVE TO FILL OUT A FORM BEFORE YOU CHOOSE THE TYPE OF ROLEPLAY YOU WANT TO DO. I make VERY few exceptions to this, for example, if you were in the roleplay before I had an OC form for you to fill out, if you tag me in a chapter with your OC form on it, or if you've already filled out a form on a previous roleplay and want to use the same OC on Bea's Revenge.

Self Promo:
My YouTube channel: PopularParakeets Gaming
My Instagram account: gym_leader_beas_sister (I also use Bea's account, which is gymleaderbeaofgalar)

That's all for now! If you have suggestions on what I should do for the first Milestone, which was 100 followers, please feel free to comment them down below! Have fun!

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