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Once upon a time Fraydoe was in his room using his phone.. He got a message de su MADRE! And it said "Mijo reviza los frijoles aver si le faltan agua"(this is so my mom,lol) *fraydoe walks in to the kitchen to check on the frijoles* He opens the POT and he sees the frijoles todos bien SECOS! So he put water in them and he said "Dayumm you were THURSTY!!!" He texted his mom and said" AMA!!!! Los frijoles estan bien SECOS!" His mom replied "CHINGADO! Ponte a hacer Otros porque esos, YA valieron madres!" Fraydoe put another bag of frijoles on the pot, he went back to his room to do what ever the fuck he does in there... He smells a scent of pedos he goes all over his house and ends up in his kitchen it was the... FRIJOLES!!! He said "SHIEETT ME VA A PEGAR MI MA CON LA CHANCLA!!! Y ME VA A LLEVAR EL CUCUY!! NOOO...." His mom got home and asked Fraydoe how were the frijoles And Fraydoe said " AMA se me quemaron los frijoles ... Otravez" his mom said " hijo de tu chingada madre, pero vas a ver Cuando benga tu padre" Fraydoe replied with " Entonces tu ERES mi chingada madre? OKEY pues "Chingada madre" dile a mi padre y yo le digo que tu TE echaste UNOS pedotes anoche Cuando SE fue al baño!" ... Fraydoe and his mom kept on going on and on about the situation that his dad got home and asked " de que hablan?" Fraydoe and his mom looked at eachother and both said " Nada". His dad se fue a cagar. And Fraydoe told his mom " a Vedad no que no le Decias nada a mi dad" His mom said " Te me callas o te rompo el OSICO!"

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