The Fall

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A/N i do not own Alice and some other characters in this story. Sorry this chapter is short. **EXTREME INJURY DETAIL**  ** MENTIONS OF TORTURE**  **PANIC ATTACK**

I was running away from two shadowy figures. My dress was torn and covered in mud which covered the majority of my being. My blonde hair streaked with grime. My electric blue eyes filled with fear. 'What if they catch me?' This thought makes my run faster than ever. I could hear their footsteps echoing off of the cracked walls. The tunnel seemed to go on forever, the wide walls curving around me so it almost felt like I was running down an endless tube. The only source of light was the murky flickering lights above my head. There was a strong smell of decaying flesh was only getting stronger the further I ran into the tunnel. The fact that I could smell rotting skin sent chills down my spine. 'What if I wasn't the first one they the shadows had chased here?' The thought of what could have happened to them made me want to be sick. Images of people being torn limb from limb, whilst crying out in pain, watching their blood ooze out and the  sight of their  mutilated body parts, before falling into the bliss of a never ending sleep. People strapped to chairs being tortured. I stopped my thoughts there. Its just me being paranoid, right? None of that could actually happen, right? 

I started hyperventilating. My heart was pounding at what felt like 90mph. A cold bead of sweat running down my face. I was going to be sick. I started to get dizzy. I had had a panic attack before but none as extreme as what I was feeling now. I needed to rest, but I could still hear the footsteps behind me. They seemed further away, but I wasn't going to take my chances, so I kept running. The path in front of me was going in and out of focus. A loud ringing sound crept into my ears, it was almost painful how loud it was. I was running out of breath now and as a result of that my speed decreased. The 'world' around me was now blurry. All I could see was the flickering light around me. I took in a moment to soak in what was happening. I was just bieng crazy earlier thinking about dead bodies and people suffering, none of that could happen, right!? nonononononono...No! I'm just having a nightmare. Everything is going to be fine. I'm just gonna wake up soon and everything is going to be okay.' I wasn't concentrating so I tripped over a rock. I hit the floor banging my head on one of the many rocks which lay on the floor. I felt a warm trickle of blood run down my head. The world went fuzzy It seemed so peaceful. Before I plunged into darkness.


My eyes slowly opened. I winced. The pain on the side of my head made me want to scream out in pain. I touched the ground and it felt sticky, which was weird. Until I looked down and saw that I was surrounded in my own blood. 'How had I not bled out while I was passed out?' I brought my had up to the side of my head. It was bandaged? Who did it? I couldn't have bethe people chasing me, could it? The people chasing me!? I had forgotten about them! I needed to get out of here. Could I turn back and get out the way I came in?' I slowly rose, my head was dizzy due to the injury, so if I got up too quickly the wound would open back up. I looked down at my dress, It was torn beyond repair, mid staining the bottom and half of it was now a deep crimson red where I had been laying in the pool of blood. My skin was layered in grime and my hair no longer had a golden blonde colour it had now turned a gruesome filthy brown from the grease and the dirt, some had been stained red where my injury was.

I collected myself together and started to cautiously walk back the way I had came in. The things that chased me here could still be somewhere near. I was all too wary of my surroundings. Every footstep I made which echoed down the tunnel made me wince. Every flicker of the lights made my heart race. The disturbing smell made my stomach churn. It didn't help that there was no food, water or toilets. I felt like the person kept me alive to suffer, to make me go mad, to see me eat myself up from the inside.

I was lost in my own thoughts, how much time passed, I didn't know. I was thinking about what I would tell my family when I arrived home, if I should go strait to the police station. This was all to surreal, how could this actually happen, it's all to mad. Maybe I've gone mad. I was snapped out of my thoughts when a scream of complete agony pierced the air. That's all it took to make me run faster than I have ever gone in my life. That was a bad decision. I didn't see the rock I was running towards. I tripped for the second time, but instead of hitting the all too familiar floor, I just fell into the black abyss. I just kept falling. And falling...and falling....

To be continued....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2020 ⏰

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