Love is Love

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Azriel gripped Lucien's hand tightly, his wing coming around behind him protectively. Lucien's shoulders relaxed slightly, his golden eye whirring softly as he turned to look up at his boyfriend. Azriel smiled at him as they made their way up the marble steps of Helion's palace. A gentle breeze made Lucien's hair flutter and when it caught the golden sunlight, the auburn blazed like fire. Azriel was stuck stupid at how beautiful he was and that this beautiful male was his. It made Azriel feel whole, content. He hadn't felt this happy since meeting his brothers for that first time in the Illyrian Steppes.

Looking over his shoulder, he saw Mor standing on the bottom step. She flashed him a grin, sticking her thumbs up in support. Azriel grinned back. Lucien clenched his hand a little tighter and Azriel sould hear the nerves in the fast beating of his heart. They stopped in the corridor, which was lined with wide stained glass windows. Rainbows danced along the creases of Lucien's brows.

"Hey Luce, look at me," he said gently. Lucien reluctantly looked at Azriel, at his warm brown eyes and the thick, dark lashes that framed them. His raven black hair was growing out and Azriel let it fall into his eyes. Lucien raised a hand to brush it back, catching the faint blush that crossed his boyfriend's elegant face. He let his hand linger there.

"I can't do it Az. What if he doesn't want me? I mean... I... Beron hated me, you know? And he was the only father I thought I had. I tried so hard but I was never good enough. I won't be surprised if Hellion doesn't want this," he gestured at himself, "as his son."

Azriel's heart broke a little at the sadness in his voice. He cupped Lucien's face in his scarred hands.

"Listen to me, love. I know Beron is a disaster and that he is not worthy of being your father. You are amazing. Every bit of you," he said, stroking the terrible scar that marred his tan skin.

"It doesn't matter what others think of us, but what we think of ourselves. It's okay to feel insecure or anxious sometimes. But you are Lucien Vanserra. Lucien Vanserra. You can do anything! I will love you when you go in and I will still love you after. And if, if he doesn't want you, then his loss. He wasn't worth it anyway. Because you deserve to be happy with the people who love and accept you for who you are, Luce."

A tear slid down Lucien's face, his lips trembling. Azriel pressed a kiss to his forehead and whispered, "And if you need me to, love, I will bring hell upon them all. Just say the word." He winked at him.

Lucien smiled then, as Azriel brushed away that tear. Lucien squared his shoulders and held his head high, left hand in Azriels scarred right one.

"Let's go meet my dad,"


Mor wandered around in the bustling towns of the Day Court. Everything was brighter here. The sun warm on her face, she sighed. She had been dreaming under the stars for too long. Everyone seemed to thrive with electricity, laughter and chatter ringing loudly in Mor's ears. She hoped that Azriel and Lucien were alright. But she recalled the grin Az had given her, and she knew as long as he stood, they would be fine.

Lucien bought something out in Azriel. The affect he had on him was almost magical. The way his eyes shone brighter than any one of Amren's many jewels. Speaking of which, Amren had gone to the Summer Court on 'official business' but they all knew what business she'd be doing. She was happy for her and Varian, Amren deserved joy. Rhys and Feyre were enjoying preparations for the arrival of their baby. Mor had claimed the role of godmother and had shaken her startled cousin by his lapels until he had agreed.

She decided to look around for a gift for the baby and Feyre. Elain had been pleased upon hearing that she would be an aunt, and Nesta being Nesta disappeared in another one of her moods. They usually varied between disgust, anger, hatred and indifference. But she had been more indifferent than usual which seemed to worry Cassian. If she had her way, she'd steer Cass clear of Nesta's direction. But Cassian was a stubborn male and he knew what he was doing but it didn't make getting hurt any less painful. She hoped for Cass' sake that something became of them. He didn't need anymore sadness in his too long life.

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