"I'll be there,"

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        Dean was lying on his bed. Listening to AC/DC while doing his homework. Dean didn't really want to do his homework. The green-eyed boy thought it was always a waste of time. But his younger brother, Sam, always nagged at him saying, "You always have to do it, Dean. Homework is always important! Do it and don't be lazy!" Dean rolled his eyes at this little brother nagging him. "I'm supposed to be the one nagging at him, being the older brother and all..." Dean thought. But he still paid attention to his work so he can finish. He was doing his daily math homework and Dean hated math. If math was a person then he would kill it slowly so it can experience what it did to him. Dean quickly finished his last problem and sighed with relief on completing his work. He looked at the time and saw it was 4:33. "He should be done too," Dean thought while grabbing his phone to talk to his online friend, 'Fluffyangel'. Dean asked one time why Angel's (Angel is the nickname Dean gave his friend) username was, 'Fluffyangel' and he got a reply saying:


Fluffyangel: It was my little brother... I and my bother had a bet on which one can get more numbers from girls. The winner would get a huge amount of candy or anything they wanted and, the loser would have their username changed to whatever the winner wants it to be. And you can guess which one had lost.

Pie_eating_Squirrel: I see.

Pie_eating_Squirrel: 😂

Fluffyangel: What?

Pie_eating_Squirrel: Nothing, it's just that your little brother got more numbers than you!

Fluffyangel: 😒 Well there's a difference between me and my brother.

Pie_eating_Squirrel: And that is?...

Fluffyangel: I'm more antisocial and he's more of a party animal. Every time I try to talk to a girl, in general anyone, I tense up and freeze. I know what to say but it's like I couldn't speak. Like I lost my voice. And if I do speak it comes out as a stumbling mess and the person just stares at me weirdly. I just get embarrassed and I run away.

Pie_eating_Squirrel: Oh well, I don't exactly understand your reactions considering I'm more of a party animal. (Hence me being popular at my school) But my younger brother has the same problem as you. He really can't talk to people considering our past... Which I don't want to talk about, it's private and only people that I deeply trust and know in real life I can talk to about it...

Fluffyangel: I understand Squirrel, I won't pry. I can tell it brings awful memories and I don't want that. So let's move on and talk about something else. And if you ever want to talk about something, I am here for you.

Pie_eating_Squirrel: Thanks Angel, and yeah it does. Why don't we talk about your day at school?

*flashback ended*

Dean smiled at that memory. He absolutely loved that Angel cared about him. The only other people that cared about him in that way is his best friend Charlie, his younger brother Sam, and his Uncle Bobby. His half brother, Adam, cares for Dean but not as much as the others. He did have a girlfriend, Lisa, but they broke up today. The reason, he found her in the guy's bathroom with a dude having a passionate make-out session that would go into something more intimate. Lisa noticed and tried to win back Dean even though he clearly saw her with another man. So he stomped out and sat quietly outside eating his lunch instead of sitting at the popular people's table. He was going to ask about Angel's day and then vent to him about his girlfriend. He knew that Angel had only one girlfriend that their relationship was not exactly the best and they got bored with each other. and one single-night deal but, he knew that he had some experience with girls.

"I'll be there," [A Destiel fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now