A new Fresh day.

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She was unawared of how she dressed through the first day school. " Now you're 17, I mean unofficially but well..." she didn't continue her words. She'll then stepped out of the car and wave at her dad before continue walks.When she passed the gates, she forced to rose up a bitter sweet smile. 'At least I smile on the first day'. Then she heard someone called out her name "Airish! How many times do i need to remind you? Wait for me at the school bustop." I stopped and wait for her,she rush walks towards me and said " Its unbelievable you know,we're 17 like we are freaking 17 dude? How time flies" I replied "Well,1 years before we end our high school,Megan." I sigh, "Hey don't be so sad,it's alright I'm always gonna be by your side. So do Vincent" I rolled my eyes and smile . Megan and I continue walk.

Then out of nowhere Ashley and George joined them. Airish ask George "Did you see Vincent?" ,George replied " uhh,nope I think he wasn't arrives yet" Airish nodded. "lets wait for him at the school hall" I said . When we reached the there it was filled with student from 3-5grades. Of course, it is the first day.

Then the The principal Mr.Harry Duffin told all of the student that the assembly gonna start soon. So we might have to queue up before the national anthem start. There I saw Vincent,he'd arrived safely. I wave at him,he saw me and smile. Then he approached me and said "Good morning,hows your holiday Airish?" I replied " It was fun,now lets queue before the hairless principal Mr.Harry get mad. He doesn't like peoples wasting his time. You know him ,'Times is precious waste it wisely' " Then we both laugh.

The assemble started,all the student accept teachers stand up to have some respect towards the national anthem. I thought to myself 'May this year be the great year of my life,as great as this national anthem melodies" . After hearing the national anthem ,it feels like it all begin here,this time. Right now. The pricipal then give a welcome back school speech and so do Miss Olivia Widget, my favorite science teacher. She was kind and pretty like her 15years old daughter,Claire Widget.

The first period started,it was math and History. Same like last year,it was Mr.Loren Voo the chinese teacher . She speaks fast, thats the problem,sometimes I can't understand what she was teaching. Thats why my math scores a little low but always passed though.

The bell rang,it recess time. Me and Megan walks to the canteen together,Then Ashley joined us. We buy some foods and eat at my classes. Ashley and George are in the same classes 5Jupiter,me and Megan in 5 Mars,and Vincent in 5Uranus. Then Poppy Joe one of my classmates told me that Vincent wait for me at his class,Megan smile and said "go on buddy" I smile and nodded.

In his class, theres a popular girls,they looks like a squad. They also have a name to present their group, 'The Fancy girl' ,its because all all of them are so girly and arrogant . When i go to Vincent I could hear of of them talking to eachother in a whisper voice " Look at her,super nerdy" I ignore them,all student in his class used to their 'bad vibes' . In a minute I was standing next to him "Whats up? " Vince smile "Sorry late,I just finished my homework Mr.Olivia give" I understand that Vincent is a good boy and always finish his homeworks before doing something else. I remember last year he said ,"for the last year of our highschool,I want a good grades for the final exams" Hmmm.. Im so proud of him ,we had a little conversation before the second period started. Then I go back to my class and ready for the seconds period . Its English,Bahasa Melayu,and Science.

After Miss Olivia done teaching the first science topic ,I put my head at the desk. Dozes off for a while. " Are you ready?" said Mr.Harold Pure the sport teachers holding a whistle before he blow it. I was holding the ball. Then the he blows it. The game started, I throw the ball to my other teammates,Sharon. She catches the ball and throw it to our nearest teammate that was standing close to the goal scoring area. Then she catch it .When she was about to throw the ball inside the ring,one of the enemy team trying to stop her,before she could even make it.Suddenly I felt as if somebody was shaking my shoulder. Then I awaked. 'Oh my god, it was a dream' I rubbed my eyes.

Megan laugh at me because of my sleepy faces. " You look so funny,haha Mrs.Olivia thought you're ill so she'd let you rest,hey lets packs our things its time to go home now" Megan said while looking at her Nike watch. As I stepped out of the class Ashley,George ,and Vincent were waiting for us. Then we walks together. While were walking all I could think was about the dream. 'Theres must be something about that dream'. Then his dad arrived ,she got into the car and go home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2020 ⏰

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