His Eyes

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Shinsou Pov

My life is shitty, I have no friends, no family and not even a pet to talk to. But that's okay, I mean in the end it is my fault.

One other thing that makes my life harder is the place I'm living in. It's a fucking oil lamp made out of brass. Everywhere I look is this red metal thingy. Who's idea was it that the best punishment for me is being a genie? Because I'm going to kill them for that.

Denki Pov

People are weird, why are they making such a drama out of two breads? Instead of being so irrational they could be happy that they have something to eat.

The girl that gave them the food does obviously not know how this world works. Due to the fact that she looked surprised when the man told her that she had to pay for the bread. 

I made my way through the crowd to the two men and the girl. "Come with me" my voice was nothing more than a whisper but she seemed to understand what I said and nodded.

–––– Time skip to when they escaped from the others ––––

We waited for a couple more minutes until we were sure that we were alone. That was when the girl began to talk "Oh my god, I never did something like that. Thank you-"

"Kaminari and what's your name"

"Thank you Kaminari, my name is Jirou" her voice was beautiful.
Her eyes looked like onyx  while her hair was a dark purple.
It wasn't the typical long hair everyone here had, it was short only around chin length with asymmetrical fringe.
She was wearing an ivory-coloured dress with ornaments on the sleeves and chest area. The fabric looked expensive not the sort of clothing that normal people would wear.

The Palace.

She's from the Palace, is she the princess? No, the princess wasn't seen in years maybe Jirou is her chambermaid? That's it.

"You're from the Palace, aren't you?" it didn't sound like a question more like a fact that needed to be proved.

"Yes, how did you know?" she looked surprised at my statement

"Your clothes, no one here has the money to buy something like this. Most people don't even have the money to buy something to eat" I gave Jirou a weak smile


The bells of the church nearby wear ringing and Jirou looked up in shock.

"Is everything okay? Do you need to go?" I asked

"Yeah I need to go now, bye" she was in a rush and in less than two minutes I couldn't see her any more

"God she is pretty" I smiled at the thought of her.

––––– Time skip –––––

The sun was setting down as I was climbing up some wall to reach the part of the palast where I think Jirou could be. Not gonna lie, this place is huge. On the balconies and the roofs you could see the guards walking around. The air was filled with the scent of rain.

I heard a noise behind. As I turned around I was confronted with piercing red eyes. The person had light blue coloured hair and hands all over their body. The what I could make out as his skin was dry or looked like he scratched himself. His lips were bleeding if hiw dry they were. Does this guy even know how to take care of himself?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2020 ⏰

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