Meeting Bierce

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Romona POV


What...happened? Did I...?

???: "Oh! An unexpected guest, and you're not...... Dead?"

I heard a English descent, when I got up. A middle age tall woman with a slightly tanned skin tone. She has white hair that appears to 'float' to the right side of her head.
Like my hair do too.

A scream boom in here.

???: "Another dead."

What is going on?...

Bierce: "Bierce is my name, you?"

Me: "Romona, and where am I?"

Bierce: "You're in my ballroom dear. And how did you get here?"

Me: "I...."

Me: "Don't remember."

How did I get here?

I remember that I went into a portal.

Bierce: "I seem to have some trouble reading your thoughts and memories."

Me: "You would have asks me first"

She apologies and I asks her if there any way to get out.

Bierce: "I'll help you, but first I need you to help me."

I nodded.

Bierce: "Fear not love, you've got potential! I see it in you, and I can help you. But you're going to have to suffer quite a bit."

I... Already suffered... My... Head...

Bierce: "The pieces to a powerful ring are hidden in nightmares behind each of these portals."

She said as walking to the first portal.

Bierce: "Find them, and bring them to me. And you'll get your wish."

I stood up as Bierce took back seeing how tall I am.

Bierce: "Fail, and you'll find there are fates far worse than death awaiting you here."

The first portal open, monkey.

Bierce: "Clock ticking.."

I went in and then I'm in a black and red hallway leading to a no-door door. I walked towards it.... There are whispers... Around...

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