Angelic Stranger

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"Thank you, please come again!" 

Yoongi bowed politely to the retreating back of a customer. Later he greeted another one with the same enthusiasm.

"What would you like to have, ma'am?"

Yoongi wrote the order down on his little paper pad and punched the numbers in the register.

"Please wait for a few moments."

After preparing the food, Yoongi tapped a fellow worker to switch with his place.

"I'm going out to take the trash. Take my place in the meantime."

Yoongi went to the back door and was greeted with the cold night breeze of the city. Snowflakes flew down on his figure as he walked to the garbage bin and hauled the trash bags inside. He let out a sigh, smoke came out from his breath and disappeared into the air.

 He let out a sigh, smoke came out from his breath and disappeared into the air

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(A/N: That's the imaginary scenario 😇)

Min Yoongi, 20. A student attending in (College Name). He's in the (Department's Name) and he is doing a job as part-time worker in his familiar restaurant near his apartment to pay for his tuition fees and bills. His family is not poor, but he likes to be independent and self-reliant He refused to accept money from his parents when he turned 18. And now, he's doing a great job in his studies and work simultaneously.

 And now, he's doing a great job in his studies and work simultaneously

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(A/N:Here is the in character Yoongi 🥰)

He let out another sigh and look up in the sky. It's been six months since it happened. It's been six months since his beloved angel went back to heaven. He still remembers the very first day he met him. And it was in this very same spot when it happened.


Yoongi sat down for a moment and watched the snowflakes dancing in the air. He looked up to the starry sky and wondered, how on earth is someone falling down from the fucking sky? He scratched his head. Maybe he was exhausted to the point where he can literally see someone falling down from the sky...slowly. Did he slipped on the ground and landed his head hard? He rubbed his eyes and looked back.

Angelic StrangerWhere stories live. Discover now