on the subway

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It was 11:39 pm on a Thursday night, and Kai couldn't believe he was behind schedule. 

His editor had just called him an hour ago, asking him to send in a draft of his manuscript since his deadline was just on the horizon, but Kai had nothing to show her. Usually by this time of the year he would be chilling everyday at his best friend Matthew's apartment while beating the crap out of him at Mario Kart, or partying with the gang at the Octagon down 5th street without a care in the world. But it was already November 10th, and he couldn't get a single word on the page that felt right. He just needed some inspiration. 

Hopping on the first subway that would take him anywhere but his office room, Kai slumped in the first seat on the left with his pen tapping restlessly on his notepad. There were three girls sitting in the seats diagonal from him and a man on his  far right, but other than them and the blaring intercom the atmosphere was bleak and silent. Kai rummaged in his back pocket for his phone, smiling as he let the music wash over him. He glanced out the window, stretching his neck to see all the flashing lights. 

The city that never sleeps. As the subway took off, the lights started blurring together, his pen tapping harder. I have never slept a full night in this damn city. 

He clutched his pad tighter, watching the lights zip past him. His arms were shaking. 

Don't come back.

He heard them. 

Kai closed his eyes, feeling an earthquake under his fingers. He heard them over and over again, their voices whispering and twisting like smoking dancing around his head. It fumed in his mind, and he braced himself for the fire. 

"Don't come back", he muttered, his thumb pressing into his pen cap. He could practically see the disgust in the girls' faces across his seat, whispering. "Don't come back, don't come back, don't come back."

"They're just waves, Kai", he heard Matthew's urgent voice. "They're gonna keep coming back, but you have to jump them." 

Kai let his head fall against the wall behind his seat, trying to calm his twitching. It was probably starting to worry the other people in the car, and he couldn't have another social media scare. 

Ten wouldn't act like this, he thought to himself angrily. They're just waves, Kai. Waves. 

"Are you alright?" A deep voice asked, interrupting the flurry. Kai lifted his head, letting his hood fall back from his face. It was the man from the opposite side of the car, kneeling beside him. He gestured to Kai's hand, and, with the most monotone voice Kai had ever heard, said, "Your thumb is bleeding." 

Kai's sight cleared, his disoriented mind starting to snap out of it. He cleared his throat, glancing at the thumb pressing his pen back to the man. His expression held no emotion, but he held out a bandaid, "Use it."

Kai cocked his head, staring at the man's face. Something poked at the back of his memory, but he couldn't place exactly what it was. His eyes darted across his face, examining. Kai was sure they had never met, but if he hadn't seen him in real life then where else could he recognize him from?

"Thank you." Kai cleared his throat and reached for the bandaid. His trembling hand let go of the pen, and he felt a sharp release on his thumb. "I'm sorry if I disturbed you, I was just -"

As he took the bandaid, the man held onto it for a few moments. Something changed in his eyes, and his expression shifted from cold to something else. Surprise? Kai couldn't put his finger on it, but realized the recognition was mutual. 

"Have we met?" The man blurted, his hand unconsciously running through his carefully parted hair. Kai noticed the clean cut, his inky hair shiny but poised on top of his head. The man was super put together, and Kai noticed the subtle branding of the sharp suit. This was obviously a person from the Upper East Side, someone with class, and definitely somebody who didn't belong to this side of Brooklyn. 

"Maybe", Kai replied, slowly leaning in from his seat. "But I get that a lot." He shot a flashy smile, subconsciously hiding his hand into his sleeve. "My face isn't something anybody can just forget." 

Kai heard the girls on the opposite side of the car giggling, suddenly finding their nightly entertainment. At least somebody is having fun, he thought to himself, watching the man stare back, his expression turning back into stone. He leaned back into his seat, flicking his nose. This man shows nothing; he probably has elite humor. 

"What's your name, cutie?" One of the girls had sauntered over to Kai's seat, plopping down next to him. The strong scent of brandy wafted over him, and Kai leaned back. 

"Okay, Miss Drunk, I think you should get yourself sober and home before anything else." He stopped her from stumbling into his chest. "But my name is Kai."

The subway doors opened, the intercom blaring the next stop.

He felt the man rise to his feet, buttoning up his suit again and tossing the bandaid into Kai's lap.   "Ridiculous", he muttered, and stepped off the car. 

Kai watched his figure briskly walk out and up the stairs, feeling a grin form on his face. 

"But I didn't even catch your name", he said under his breath. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2020 ⏰

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