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    A man with silver hair sat behind a tree with six other shinobi; only they had dark hair. The silver-haired man, presumably a shinobi, placed two fingers on the ground before him before letting out a sigh. He looked up at his fellow shinobi and said quietly, "There are... twenty of them." He closed his red eyes before saying, "From the way they're pursuing us, I'd say they're from Kumogakure, most likely those from the Kinkaku Unit."

    One of the shinobi sitting in the circle spoke up. "We don't have any other choice but to leave someone behind as a decoy to draw their attention."

    A shinobi with a hat shaped like cat ears sat next to the boy who just spoke. "A decoy?" He asked. "That's suicide," a pause, and then, "Who's it gonna be?"

    Two of the shinobi were sitting side-by-side quietly. One of them had an 'x' shaped scar on his chin. This one seemed to be fighting with himself mentally about something, but before he had a chance to say something, the man beside him smiled and said, "I'll do it." 'X' scar's face contorted into something unreadable, and his hand closed in around his pant leg in frustration. The frustration was switched with surprise as the man next to him, the one who volunteered, put his hand on 'x' scar's shoulder comfortingly. "I'm leaving everyone to you, Danzo. I'm sure you can-"

    "Shut up!" 'X' scar, now dubbed Danzo, said, not even bothering to keep his voice low. "I wanted to raise my hand! Stop acting as if you're cooler than everyone! I'll be the decoy."

    "Danzo," the silver-haired man spoke. His voice was low, calm, and collected as he formed each word with careful consideration. "You're always competing with Sarutobi about something, aren't you? But, what we need right now is not competition, but a union between all of us. We must work together as comrades for our plans to work. Don't mix personal affairs into this!" Danzo looked down at his hands that lay in his lap in shame. "The truth is, your decision was too slow. You must first calmly look within yourself and find who you truly are. As you are right now, you'll just put everyone at risk."

    Everyone straightened upright as the man took a deep breath before sitting completely straight, commanding their attention. "I'm going to be the decoy." Everyone in the circle looked shocked. "You are the young flames that will continue to protect the village with your Will of Fire."

    Danzo looked furious. "You can't!" He yelled, completely uncaring for the people who were following them, unaware of anything other than sacrificing himself. "You're the Hokage, and there's no greater shinobi in the village than you."

    The silver-haired man, Tobirama Senju, stood from his place on the forest floor. "Sarutobi," he said. "Protect those who love the village and those who believe in you, and take care of those whom you'll entrust the next generation to. Starting tomorrow, you are the new Hokage of Konohagakure." Sarutobi and Danzo stood up in shock. "Sarutobi, I'm leaving the village to you."

    Sarutobi had no choice but to bow to his Hokage and accept his fate. "Yessir."


And those were the last moments of his life that Tobirama Senju could remember when he woke up.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2020 ⏰

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