i. a spark of hope

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Naruto restlessly trotted in the pouring rain for shelter, shivering at the soft cool breeze that would occasionally follow.

Although he held his arm above his eyes to shield the water from impairing his vision, he still couldn't see through the pitch blackness of the night.

"I'm gonna get sick if I stay out here much longer." He grunted as he aimlessly wandered through the forest, his feet and legs becoming caked with layers of mud from the splashing puddles.

Several minutes passed and Naruto had finally stumbled upon what seemed to be a cave. Glimmering from within the cave's darkness was a flickering yellow light.

"I wonder if someone is in here." Naruto muttered as he continued in the cave. He wrung out his hair and clothes as he entered, then continued to follow the glow.

Deeper within the cave lied two men and a woman scattered across the ground deep into slumber. There was a fire that sat in the middle of them, and next to the fire was what looked to be a bento box. It'd been hours since he'd last eaten and his stomach felt as if it twisted into a knot.

As pondered if he should steal it or not, an abrupt rustle came from the left of him, suddenly he was put into a headlock with a kunai pointing at his neck.

"Let me go!" Naruto screamed, alarming the other two men to awaken and draw their weapons. He continued to scream and claw at the arm clasped around his throat.

"It's just a kid." One man spoke.

"Should we kill him?" Asked the other.

"No, you idiot." Scoffed the former. He sheathed his kunai and walked over to Naruto. "Who are you? How did you find us? Who do you work for?"

"I don't work for anyone! I just found this cave and went until the rain stopped! How the hell was I supposed to know three bozos were camping out?!"

"You got a smart mouth for a kid in a bad situation," The man chuckled, "Do you know who we are? We're ninja. That means we can really hurt a brat like you."

"I could hurt you a whole lot worse."

A strong punch was sent to Naruto's stomach, almost completely knocking the air out of him. The woman holding him dropped him to the ground and they all watch him curl into a ball and wrap his arms around his stomach.

"Punks like you make me sick. You talk big but have nothing to back it up. I mean, look at you," He cackled and waved his hand, "You look like a stray puppy. You look pitiful." The man turned and walked back towards his sleeping bag. "Emi, get rid of him. I'm not babysitting."

"Yes, Captain." The kunoichi nodded. 

She grabbed Naruto by the collar of his shirt and yanked him to his feet, completely ignoring his agonized cries. He could hardly walk straight, so she dragged him most of the way.

As they walked upon the cave entrance, the rain seemed to have started pouring down harder than before.

"Wait!" Naruto cried, "Please, don't put me back in the rain! I just wanted to stay until the rain cleared, I didn't want any trouble–"

"It's a cold world out here. You need to learn to fend for yourself if you're looking to survive," The lady started as she let go of his collar, "not everyone will be nice to you just because you're a child." She turned. "You do look pitiful, so I'll spare you a bit. There's a village northeast of here. It's about half an hour away."


"Were you born stupid?" The woman barked, clearly irate. "Northeast! It's that way." She pointed. "I hate kids."

Megalomaniac [Dark Naruto AU]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora