Kissy Queen

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The blood moon rises.

A villain awakes.

it is Kissy Queen.

She goes around the world and terrorizes people.People who have been kissed by her transform into her soldier who devotes a life time of service for her unless.....the right person can un smart her by thinking they are a soldier because that is the only thing they can do unless u hack in with the soldier robot and the bravest  person  will have to do the final touch it is making Kissy Queen drinks this spell that takes days to find the right ingredients or even a whole year

Minara: Whys the sky red?

Mason: What do you mean it look i mean ok...

Minara: Look theres a rush over there lets go check it out

Minara and Mason steadily walk toward the crowd ready to attack any moment, once they get close enough they notice something odd. In the middle of the group of distinguished people lied this poor old lady having a seizure, but not just an ordinary kiss. The crowd gets deeper into the scene expecting someone damaged. Then as everyone watches in amazement and disgust they find the old lady turning into a rabid young man hurrying and shoving through the crowd rushing to their owner...

In the mist of the old lady's ear she hears "Come child arise me from the dead and be rewarded"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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