Police Truck

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Adventures of the Misfits Gang: The crazed, delinquents ready to rock the world.

Tonight, as the moon lays awake, shining a winter glow, you may be sound asleep in some fantasy world. Sometimes reality becomes too hard to handle. Sometimes sleep can provide a safe and wonderful world where you can escape from your everyday reality. I wish it was that simple for us, the Misfit Gang, who shares lives that are too complex to stay away from. We can't escape out fate but, we can sure talk smack and argue about it.

I walk down the dark narrow ally way, kicking an old coke can with my torn, old combat boots, feeling the daily pain of fatigue and hunger. Another boring day has gone and the sparkling moon is making its appearance. Now is where the fun begins. I clutch my guitar case containing my precious beat up black and white fender electric guitar and pull my comforting leather jacket containing several holes and my name, Dee Dee on the back, tighter around me. It gets cold out here at night, especially in mid-July in the newly devolved city of Andrienne.The city of murder and high crime matched with an ignorant man in charge. Deep in thought, I walk around the corner, walking straight into a familiar face.

"Oh, hey Dee." My beloved boyfriend Ritchie has blessed me with his presence. Haha that's what he thinks.

"Ritchie my main man. What's up?" I feel my mouth widen into a strong smile, showing my yellow teeth.

"Not much. The usual. You ready to go?" He smiles back with his teeth no better than mine.

"Sure thing. I'm pumped for tonight." People look at us like we are scum, rubbish, stupid kids. We might as well be all that and more. We have no money. We have to steal to survive and even that is not enough. Half of us drink like fishes. Half of us smoke like a hot blazing fire, but we have each other and we have our van, Betsy and that's enough.

Ritchie smiles at me and I try to hide my blushing cheeks. Even though his teeth are stained and some are missing and he has pimples matching with scars on his face, he is the cutest boy I have ever seen. His black stringy mop of hair sways in the wind and lands in front of his bright green eyes full of life but somewhat reserved. He puts his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket as we turn the corner of Main Street. I walk next to him, side by side, our combat boots making squeaky noises as the soles hit the concrete. Tonight might be it. It might be our first big break. Dannie, Ritchie's brother tells me that I always think that and then nothing. We get payed and that's it and even sometimes a place to crash for the night. One more night until we run out of money and of course David, our landlord has to kick us out. Good going David. We better make it count. The Misfit Gang playing for one night only. Only decent band in Andrienne. That's us.

Ritchie and I finally find Ollie and Bonnie in the van while managing to pick up Dannie and Robbie along the way. A full house tonight. We're all here. We all pile inside and immediately everything is alive and well. We've had many precious memories just inside an old stolen beat up van. Its home for us. We know that if we are down, the van with the Misfit Gang inside, will fix that straight away.

"Heyyy Dee. Your bright blue eyes shine in the sunlight. Your black hair sways in the morning mist. Your smile brightens all and your kindness overflows all the negativity in the world."

I laugh at Ollie's long line of compliments. Knowing him he just wants a smoke.

"No I don't have any smokes. I thought Robbie did."

He frowns and he flashes his big blue puppy dog eyes.

"Oh please Dee Dee. Oh dearest Destiny. It's your destiny after all."

I look at him for a moment. He looks back with a smirk.

Suddenly we all start laughing uncontrollably. I slap Ollie on the back as I escape into a laughing fit.

"Hey guys, look at old grandpa next door" Dannie cries while pointing out of his window to a white Nissan Pulsar. The laugher gets louder as we see that the old man is shaking his head and looking at us with a mixed look of disgust and fear. Oh god this poor old man doesn't know half of it. Ollie waves to the man as we whirl past him when the light turn's green. It takes the mocking from Ritchie to realise that I'm laughing so hard, that I'm crying. When everyone calms down Bonnie looks over at Ollie, who is doing a pleading face at Bonnie, who reaches over and hands him a smoke. His eyes brighten and he kisses her on the cheek.

"Why thank you kind Miss Bonnie Curtis. Your donation is much appreciated."

Bonnie laughs and lights his smoke for him.

"Just shut up and smoke that damn thing."

He sits down and smokes. It's probably the only time he is ever quiet and not cracking a joke. He just loves to smoke. I'm surprised he isn't dead yet considering all the smoke he inhales.

Robbie sits in the driver's seat and starts the van up. The roar of her always makes me feel proud. Here she goes again. Taking us on another adventure. The familiar roar of our only cd, "Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death" by The Dead Kennedys blares and we all join in on the punk rock spectacular sing along. I swing my arms around Ritchie and Ollie as we belt out the lyrics for Police Truck.

"Tonight's the night that we got the truck

We're goin downtown gonna beat up drunks

You turn to drive I'll bring the beer

It's the late, late shift no one to fear

And ride, ride, how we ride

We ride, low ride."

Ollie of course sings the loudest and the most out of pitch and Robbie, keeping his eyes on the road, sings soft but loud enough to be heard. Robbie swings past a curve violently causing Bonnie to drop her beer all over her tanned legs.

"Aww man. That was a good beer. Robbie you owe me one."

Robbie laughs and stops the van.

"Okay everyone. We are finally here after this long and hard drive of you maniacs being madly irritating." Robbie turns the van off and jumps out of the front seat, into the cold night. Ollie opens the van door and digs in his pockets, probably looking for a smoke. He brings one out and his eyes brighten in the starry night sky. He starts cheering and laughing.

"Aww yes I knew that this loving caring god had some kind of plan for me."

Dannie jumps down from the passenger seat and slaps Ollie on the head.

"Man. You talk a lot of smack you know that?"

 "What was that for Daniel? Why you do this to me? I thought you loved me!"

Ollie gets down on his knees in front of Dannie and starts to kiss his shoes.

A chorus of laughter erupts from the rest of us watching the two buffoons. My god they're hilarious.

Ritchie looks up from the back of the van and sighs with a small smile on his face.

"Guys stop fooling around we got to set up for the gig."

He's right.We only have an hour to get ready and these guys are fooling around.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2016 ⏰

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