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-- Dan's POV --

"Fuck..." I mumbled to myself, as I tried to wrap the one blanket I had around myself tighter.

The most shitty time of year for me would definitely be winter. Snow is coming down in masses, and I have nothing to cover myself with. The only shit I have on me is my clothes and one flimsy blanket. I don't know where I went so wrong.

December is usually the time for everyone to be walking the streets, with happiness in every one of their steps. But me? No. I avoid walking around. I should probably move more, get my inner body temperature up; but moving makes me feel instantly colder. And running would cause my mouth to dry even quicker.

I haven't been in a warm house for a long ass time. It feels like forever.

It feels like an eternity since I've smiled, or laughed. Since I held someone's hand. Since I felt love. It's almost impossible, living the way I am. It's grueling. Every day is another 24 hours of wasted, lonely moments. It's hard to take.

I heard footsteps approaching.

"Hey, what time is it?" I asked, looking up to a young woman. Probably in her early 20s, like me.

"Oh?" she acknowledged me. "It's 3 am."

"Thanks." Questions raced through my mind as to why she was out walking the streets at three in the morning, but I kept them to myself.

Then she had left, leaving me alone again. As usual. All I wanted was to go to sleep, but it was so cold that I felt like if I went to sleep I'd die of hypothermia. I needed somewhere to go.

But there isn't anywhere. Nowhere I want to be. Someone like me shouldn't be homeless.. I'm too weak. And living off being weak makes you weaker.

I felt my eyelids fluttering closed; I couldn't keep myself awake anymore. I was way too tired.

I woke up by a light tapping on my shoulder.

"Hey? You okay? You aren't dead, are you?" I heard a voice say, as I groaned awake and once again realized how freezing it was. "I'm sorry to wake you, it's just that I was scared; because of the weather you know, not your age; that you might've died."

"But why do you care if I was alive or not?" I looked up to a man with black hair, that looked almost the exact same as mine, wearing a large coat. I felt his hand resting on my shoulder.

"I care because... Oh, I don't know? I don't think you deserve to die. I don't think anyone really does."

"Even a murderer?"

"Are you saying you're a murderer?" I felt his hand leave me.

"No. I'm not. I'm a freezing homeless person. That's about it, sir."

"You know, actually; since you haven't killed anyone; I'll be right back. I'm gonna go run to my car."


"I'm getting you a blanket, I don't want you to actually freeze to death." He ran off the other way, I'm assuming to his car. To get me a blanket.

I wondered why he cared about me so much, most people just walk right past me.

I saw him jogging back towards me after a few minutes, holding a large blanket.

"You don't have to..."

"No, I do. I don't want you to freeze." He threw the blanket over me and sat down.

"Don't you have somewhere to be? I'm useless, I'm homeless, I'm no one. Why are you here talking to me?"

"You sure are asking me a lot of questions."

"What time is it?" He checked his watch.

"It's 8:30."

"Thanks for... everything."

"What? That was nothing! All I did was get you a blanket and tell you the time."

"But that's a lot more than anyone's done for me in years."

"Years? How long have you been out here?"

"Since I was twenty."

"How old are you now?"


"I'm twenty-eight."

"Hey twenty-eight, nice to meet you." He laughed, at my terrible joke. I actually cracked a smile. A smile.

"Nice one. My name's Phil."

"My name's Dan."

"So, Dan, why have you been out here for so long?"

"I got kicked out of my house a long time ago. I should've gotten a job then, before it got to the point where I was unpresentable."

"A shave, change of clothes, and a haircut and you'd be presentable. You don't look too bad."

"Too bad? Was that a statement on my literal physical appearance or my hobo status?"

"You're appearance isn't bad at all! It's the opposite, really. All you need is a little cleaning up."

"Did you just call me attractive?"

"Yeah. Pretty gay, right?"

Thoughts spiralled inside my head. Should I; a homeless, dirty, annoying 24 year old; tell Phil; a handsome, kind, thoughtful 28 year old; that I'm... gay?

"Eh, it's alright. You really got to get 'no homo' down though." I chuckled sarcastically. I decided no. I chose not to tell him.

"Hm... alright. I'll remember that." He got up and brushed his pants off. My heart broke at the thought of him leaving me here, alone again.

He fiddled around in his pocket and I saw paper peeking over the edge. He couldn't seriously be doing what I thought he was.

"Here you go." He handed me 10 pounds. I couldn't believe it. "Where will you be tomorrow at this time?"

"Me? Probably right here.... still."

"Well then I will see you tomorrow. Use that blanket! And the money! And don't use the money on booze." He winked at me.

"I wasn't planning on it..." I said, laughing a little after. Did this 'Phil' guy just make me laugh?

"Goodbye for now, Dan."

"Bye... Phil." He left.

Had that just happened? It felt almost surreal. Like Phil was going to change my life, somehow. But what had even made him come over? It's not like he does that to every homeless person he sees, right? No... of course not. That's crazy. I just couldn't comprehend it. And he would be seeing me tomorrow too? This was unbelievable, in the best way possible. He was utterly amazing. I mean, I'd only talked to him for a few minutes, but he ran to his car and back with a giant blanket for me, he had a conversation with me, he gave me money, and made me laugh. That was the most human interaction I've had in an extremely long amount of time. It's like... he just gave me a reason to live. Or is that to serious? I don't know.

I got up, with the blanket around me, and walked to where I knew the nearest store was. When I entered the store, I felt the eyes fall on me, I could almost touch the nasty thoughts and opinions. However at this point, I couldn't care less what people think about me. I picked up an avocado and an apple, that would be fine for now.

I got up to the checkout line and handed them the 10 pounds. I got my change and was out the door.


HELLO! Yes, I am now starting a Phan AU fanfiction, not a troyler one for once! I was starting to get a little bored of only writing troyler, so I've started writing Phan. I hope you enjoy, and I already have a few more chapters ready for uploading once goals have been hit. By the way, I will be updating Guilty Love and By Your Side very soon, but I wanted to kick this new fanfiction off before hand.


-- Oli <333

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