"Oh No. He's Hot."

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Warning: blood, demons (obviously.) injury, implied/referenced sexual content. I think that's it, let me know if I need to add more!

Virgil made his way to the kitchen and began preparing. It was a simple recipe, really. Just two cups of rock salt, a half gallon of holy water, some crushed dandelions, a teaspoon of ghost pepper, and a dash of cinnamon.

Oh, and some of his own blood, of course.

But Virgil guessed he couldn't really complain, seeing as it was his own fault he was in this situation to begin with. He was the one who decided to summon a demon, after all.

But, hey, who's to say the spell would actually work anyway? Odds are it was just a fake that some wanna-be-edgy teenagers put up to mess with people who actually believed in this kind of stuff.

Not that Virgil believed in this kind of thing.


He was just running out of options.

There wasn't much to begin with, seeing as he had the splendid Idea to get kicked out of his parents' house and lose his job. He already knew he didn't want to spend the rest of his life sharing a one bedroom apartment with his best friend and crashing on his couch.

So his next best option?

Selling his soul.

Now, some may call that a bit rash, crazy even, and past Virgil would agree, but past Virgil also wasn't forced to listen to his best friend hook up with some stranger after a late night partying, 15 feet from where he was trying to get some sleep.

So, In conclusion, past Virgil was an idiot.

So, here he was, on a Friday night, sitting on his best friend's kitchen floor, trying to summon a demon using a spell he found on reddit.

Well, it couldn't get any worse then this.

He quickly grabbed a mixing bowl, spoon, and some measuring cups from the cabinet and started preparing the ingredients. After double checking with the recipe to make sure he had everything set up right, he started pouring the ingredients into the bowl and mixed them together with the wooden spoon he set down on the counter.

Virgil then pulled out a silver blade from the drawer and took his supplies to the living room where he had previously placed vanilla scented candles and a lighter.

After turning off the lights, he set his laptop on the coffee table and pulled up the spell, and began lighting the candles as he started to chant.

Once the candles were all lit, Virgil set down the lighter and slowly reached for the long sliver knife he placed on the table. Still reciting the spell, he brought the blade down slowly onto his palm and made a long cut across his flesh. Blood spilled from the wound as he lowered his hand above the mixing bowl and let it drip down his wrist and inside.

Once he finished, he sat, anxiously awaiting for something, anything to happen.

Minutes ticked by and with each passing second Virgil's doubt grew. Finally, after a few more minutes with no sign of a supernatural entity, Virgil decided to make his way to the bathroom to wrap his wound.

Slowly standing up, Virgil began to gather the bowl and swiftly turned around to place it in the sink-

Holy shit.

Holy fucking shit

What the fu-

"You summoned me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2020 ⏰

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