Chapter 1- You testosterone fueled humans

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Finley’s pen tapped impatiently on the wooden desk as he looked at her. Her being Kayde Rivers. He admired her for as long as he could remember, but for some reason he had a pattern of wanting things that were taken. She happened to be in a relationship with Errin Morrey. He detested the idea of the two going out. Naturally, anyone would be adamant about their crush in a relationship with another person but this was more than jealousy. Mason was an ‘emo’. He wore hoods, eyeliner, spikes, and all black. He was dark, mysterious and antisocial. Someone so cold and reserved didn’t deserve a girl like Kayde.

                In Finley’s eyes Kayde was sunshine. She was bright and carried a happy aura with her at all times.  He also concluded that if sunshine looked like a person, it would look like Kayde Rivers. Her soft light brown hair fell past her shoulders, and her hazel eyes never ceased sparkling. Sure she was short and tiny in certain areas compared to most girls, but Finley thought she was perfect. You never caught Kayde in jeans, or any pants. She only wore dresses. Most of her dresses didn’t fall past her knees and they were always bright and colorful. Today her dress was bright blue, strapless, tight around her top, and flowing to her knees. The blue looked nice against her tan skin.

                Looking down, Finley realized he wasn’t even halfway through his algebra assignment, and he decided that maybe it wasn’t such a good idea that his crush was in the class he was already failing. But in retrospect, math was a child’s game compared to getting Kayde to notice you. Sighing he shook his head and returned to his algebra, but he knew he’d rather ogle at a certain girl than do math. So he did.   Maybe he wasn’t terrible at math; maybe he just had too many distractions in this class.

                The bell revived him from his daydreaming. Mrs. Mann dismissed the class without hesitance, looking at the students with exhaustion and irritation, the teacher took a quick scan of the room, obviously missing Finley and proceeded to pull a silver flask from her purse. While she chugged it down, he figured now would be a good time to exit. He supposed he wasn’t the only one who hated that class.

                Entering the hallway, Finley blended into the crowd. He liked blending in. Finley wasn’t a nerd, nor a jock, he wasn’t a band geek, nor was he a punk. He was just that boy, who everyone liked, had few friends and was generally smart. According to Liza he was quite the charmer when he was prepared. Apparently girls liked the sensitive, good guy kind of look. He really didn’t care about what the other girls liked, he only cared about what Kayde liked. Sure at one point he liked it when girls found him attractive, and on few occasions he might’ve taken advantage that. But, as soon as he started to develop feelings for Kayde, other girls didn’t quite have the same appeal.

                Taking a sharp turn, something small bumped into him. Looking down he saw Kayde, but she didn’t look like Kayde. Her usual smile was morphed into a frown and tear streaks stained her face.

                “S-Sorry”, she choked over dead sobs.

                “Are you okay?” Finley asked, realizing that for the first time he was talking to his crush without stuttering. He also realized how dumb his question was; of course she wasn’t okay.

“Yea, I’m fine”, she mumbled, scrambling in the opposite direction.

He stood frozen for a minute debating whether or not he should run after her. Before his brain could make the decision his feet were heading in the direction she took off. Scurrying through the hallways, ignoring the swears from the students he shoved past Finley finally found her.

She was slumped underneath the bleachers in the gym, her head locked between her knees which were pulled up to her chest as heart-wrenching sobs shook her frame. The sight caused Finley’s chest to tighten, although he couldn’t really decide why.

Taking slow strides towards the girl, Finley did his best to make his approach unnoticeable. He didn’t want to startle her.

“Kayde”, he said softly once he standing in front of her. Her head shot up, as she furiously wiped the tears from her cheeks. She looked at him in shock. “You don’t look okay”.

She blinked before looking down and shaking her head causing her brown hair to fall and shield her face from him.

“It’s okay Freddy, you really should go or you’ll be late for class”, she said dismissively.

He ignored the name part. “Its lunch”, he spoke softly.

He wasn’t expecting what happened next. She shot up on her feet quicker than he was ready for. Kayde’s eyes blazed with ferocity, her hands knotted into fists at her sides. It didn’t take long for those knotted fists to start slamming repeatedly on Finley’s chest. Kayde’s punches had about the same impact as getting a friendly punch from a close friend. Except she wasn’t being friendly at the moment.

“All of you arrogant, pig-headed, blubbering males are the exact same!”, Finley was trying to remember what words were as she continued, “You have this crazy idea that it is your birth-given right to solve every problem, everything is so goddamned simple for you testosterone fueled humans! No problem is ever serious enough for you to focus on for more than two minutes before you’re back to talking trash!” she stopped. Her hands fell back at her sides.

Finley thought of a documentary he watched the previous night when a man’s pet tiger for 9 years suddenly became violent and aggressive, killing his owner. It was completely unexpected, like Kayde’s outburst; not that he should compare a tenacious female tantrum to a tiger attack. The female one was more scary he decided.


First chapter- Enjoy.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2014 ⏰

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