that time

45 3 4

This is to blairwheeler

One day chuck just was enjoying playing with the kids Jasper was playing the guitar munch was playing the drums and Helen was singing with the kids they where doing typical things that they would do on a typical day.  Pasquale was making pizza he was so sexy whail making it but I only had eyes for chuck e. The next day I was just sitting there eating my pizza but... But then c-cuck e-kun joined me eating pizza From the same slice my... My face was so red it was so sexy. *time skip 1 week* ever since that we have been haveing sex in the bathroom it was so hot. *time skip 2 weeks* that day I felt something moveing around in my tum tum it hurt I took a prego test and... I-i was prego I told chuck and he said "it's gona be fine I love you baby"    join me sexy woman 👉👌👁👄👁

                                                              The end sexy

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2020 ⏰

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