Twist of Fate | Prologue

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I'm pretty excited about this story, and I really hope that you guys will enjoy it, I'll try to make it as interesting as possible and update often.

I love reading stories, but I have not tried writing my own story before, so yeah, I know, I'm not good at English, I just want to try something new (so I'm sorry if there are any errors in my story.)

I would appreciate any comments (corrections), vote or read, but the most important of all is that you guys read this and enjoy it.....

If any of you have any questions, please reach out to me on Wattpad.



In those moments I realised how much he truly cared for me...

I sat down on a chair beside the bed and held his hand on mine, he was still in a deep slumber and he looked so handsome even when his eyes were close. I slowly lean down to give him a peck on the cheek, careful not to wake him up, then I softly placed a kiss on his forehead and whispered I Love You...

My body stiffened in shock when Adrian slowly opened his eyes, pulled me closer to caress my cheek and crushed his soft lips on mine, the kiss was slow with passion and I loved every second of it.


Anyway, I'm suppose to be sleeping right now, I'll continue the rest some time this week xoxo

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