A strange, protector, and noble human? or is it Demon?

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  The dressed in red, black and silver rushed through the forest with her silver eyes narrowing at the shadows around her. As if the place would attack her alone, Her tall form stood off to face the people following her even though she looked slightly tired and out of breathing. Her red lips parting slightly, releasing a soft sigh. " ..Did I lose them?" She asked herself, returning to her full height from where she crouched down in a defensive stance. The female was not fooled though. Even though she seemed to ask herself this there was a tenseness to her shoulders which proved her wariness. The woman herself stood in a rather fancy kimono - far from being a commoner like the people in the next village were. You could tell if one was something other than human, her movement and piercing silver orbs proved to be an oddity no matter where she went. Her skin was so pale she resembled the snow itself, the only thing making her normal was her long black hair tied into a long lengthy braid. swaying by her ankles, a pair of full lips pressed together while being painted in red.

She walked on from the forest and took refuge in the village known as 'Edo' from her knowledge the forest was known as Inuyasha forest as well. Her head cocked at the stares, their dull eyes staring and glaring at her - and so they should. Shifting her eyes away from them she turned her head and looked around, They must know demons well enough to be wary. That is good, at least I can relax while knowing they will strike me down if I lose it. Nodding her head with approval her sandals moved along the grass, no sound coming from the rich looking female.

The night was upon them and yet a lot of mortals came out this one night, a black brow rose in question her keen eyes searching for the thing keeping them out while she walked. A cursed, strong aura pulsed around the female to keep them away from her person. Two demons... Human? no, Reincarnation maybe? She pondered with a frown on her pretty face. The sound of her kimono swishing through the grass didn't bother her at all. It was light, lighter than most of the kimono's people of her status enjoyed wearing in there life - yet she wore a one layered kimono with a white, and see-through grey covering the bottom of it. One of the arms slid off her shoulder to reveal her arm and a birthmark on her arm - or was it something else? She also showed some bandages covering her cleavage, still considering herself modest at the moment. The kimono was a little long, dragging behind her while she moved through the other side of the village. Watching a little girl with an odd uniform and an elderly Miko run with her, bow and arrows on her back and shoulder.

A fight? - great. I ran right into this one, didn't I? The demoness sighed heavily, her eyes closed but her feet continued on there her way to see what she could do to help. If they needed it, this was not her fight after all and certain people would not take kindly to her butting in. So instead she stood with the Miko who stood there calmly, there gazes meeting for a moment and with an incline of her head, she offered a greeting. "Miko."

The old woman blinked. " My lady, what do we owe the honor of a demon lord?" She questioned, her brow furrowing with concern. Thinking someone attacked her people or something - but the red lip of the demon twitched into a warm smile. Shaking her head down at her, and turning to the fight. Kaede frowned at her, the grey hair she had left was tied into a low ponytail like most of the other Miko's around her did. Her hazel eyes widened when the girl reached for the arrow even as the demon wrapped them around the tree with her large body, "Kagome! no, Inuyasha must not be freed!"

"..That might be your only way," The demoness beside her muttered mostly to herself. Her arms crossing over her chest, watching the scene before she unfolds. The old lady turned to her and frowned, " Currently none of you are in any position to do something. Yes? As stupid as it might sound. This Inuyasha will do it - and then you can have him controlled after it."

"But-!" Kaede frown deepened, "Just who are you? Why would you care about this fight?"

A ghost of a smile stretched along with her gentle features. "Why, indeed?" She offered a chuckle at her question and waved a sleeve over to her mouth while she did so. Hiding the smile which disappeared soon after - the female did not answer her first question but she did relay something else. "My name is Yuri, family to the Hamasaki - or I was." She whispered the final part to herself mostly while her eyes dulled with deep sorrow that Miko could not place. The demon named Yuri moved her attention back to the fight and watched the small hand of the girl grip the arrow, startling those around her when she pulled it out. Miko is it?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2020 ⏰

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