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Year X777,
The seventh day of the seventh month of the seventh year,

The Heartfilia's stood in front of the statue grave,

               Layla Heartfilia
                 X748  -  X777
      'Beloved Mother and wife.'

It stated, Jude Heartfilia was heartbroken as he was to live without his wife, and he had two girls to take care of.

Little Lucky Lucy stood beside her father holding her little sister's smaller hand in her right while her left hand clutched unto her Michelle Doll.

The youngest daughter of Jude and Layla Heartfilia was unaware of what was happenning. She never understoord death, all she thought was her mother was gone away. Just gone away.

She was a spirited girl, all that passed through her mind was adventure. But sensing the atmosphere she knew better than to be joyous...

The earlier words of her mother rang through her mind,
"Mia, promise me to always smile. Okay? Smile even when everything is wrong okay. Just smile for me."
With that her mother gave her a book, the same for Lucy as she was given keys.

Weeks passed since that night, Jude Heartfilia had been over working himself. And had forgotten of his children. He had taken away the Celestial keys from Lucy, forbidding her from using it and locked away the book after taking it from the young girl.

That had been the occurrence and daily routine for the children. As years passed on, Lucy and Mia grew older. Every birthday they had was usually spent with the house maids and workers. They had everything they ever wanted, but were still not content. They wanted something they couldn't have...A Father's Love.

A year before Lucy turned Sixteen and Mia, twelve, they were called into their father's study. A proposal was sent, Lucy was to marry a Rich boy, at the age of eighteen and the same could be said about her sister...

That year the house servant lady, gave them both something special. Lucy was given back her Mother's keys, so she could practice in secret. And Mia received her book back, too. The same book her mother handed her the day she died and was taken along with Lucy's keys by their father... The book looked like nothing special and at first the girl couldn't understand, but as weeks and months passed by she finally understood the old language and finally learned the secrets the book held.

She practiced her magic every free break at the mountains at the edge of the estate. She wanted to learn Dragon Slayer magic but that was hard, sh had to be raised by a dragon or had a dragon lacrima which sh didn't have. So that was one of the magics she couldn't do.

She tried new modern magics but she found out that she was unable to wield it. So in the end most of them were crossed out. Everyday in her free time she tried to see which magic she could do. She was about to give up, but remembered the paged she always left out.

'It was now or never.' She thought, it's either I don't have magic or incapable. Flipping the pages to the sections about dragons she skimmed a few more pages before reaching a section, labeled:
           God Slaying...

A year from than, the girl turned thirteen and her sister seventeen, Lucy ran away from home. The girl grief stricken and was plunged into more studies as her father was angry with her older sisters choices and was punished.

"But Mr. Heartfilia, even if Mia is a smart and capable girl she also needs her rest." The girl's personally teacher begged the man. They were cutting off her source of happiness. No more breaks, free time, playing with the staffs, and gardening.

"What I say is final." The man behind the desk told the skinny teacher. He then turned to the other staffs, "And don't think that I don't know about you guys teaching her magic. I see in front of my house. I see you all teaching her these practices that she would not be needing." He began scolding. The girl behind the door zoned out but quickly payed attention at what was said next,
"From this day forth my daughter does not receive any these lessons on magic nor will be shown any affection got it?!" The staffs gasped and began protesting, "Silence, starting tomorrow, Mia will focus on her studies and studies only! Her birthdays must be spent learning, and must not be let out of the house, all of her attention will be held upon anything related to the business and the company. Understood?"

She saw the figures nod unwillingly, "And if I ever find any of you defying me you will be let go off. Are we clear? Good, now get out!" The girl ran away from the door as tears streamed down her face.

She couldn't believe her ears, her father no matter how she saw him heartless, was taking everything she valued away. Everything that made her happy, even her new found magic, was going to be taken away. 'Not on my watch.' She muttered.

Thoughts began to run around in her head, 'what if Lucy stayed?' 'Would father still do this?' 'What if mom didn't die?' 'Would we be in this situation?' No matter how she wanted to blame her mother she couldn't, her mother was not responsible.

She blocked away that thought,
'What if Lucy took me with her?' 'Why didn't I go with her?' 'What if I run away?'

Suddenly struck with an idea she arrived her room
That night the girl ran away, too.  She packed the book, her clothes, and some jewel. Taking along the Michelle doll Lucy had those years ago.

She knew her sister would be angry at her for taking the doll, but to her that was the only thing she left from her alive family member that didn't ignore her.

Looking back at the mansion, a lot of memories entered came  back to her. Of when she was a child and played in the garden, back when her father was better known to her as 'papa'.

Every memory was special, but now looking back she was reminded about how her father changed. Now work was before family. 'No, wonder Lucy wanted to leave.' She softly thought.

Her eyes traveled to the statue that stood in front of her home. The statue of her mom. She smiled, 'bye mom, it's a new adventure. Watch over papa, and Lulu. See ya.' Before turning around.

Leaving the Heartfilia estate she headed to Fiore. Traveling for days she came across Clover Town, there her new adventure as a mage began...

After she met a Old Crazy Guild Master Lady that Loved to spin people...

That night when she bumped into her was the beginning of her new Adventure...


First i gotta say, does this suck? If it does I am so sorry this is my first story ever written.

Can anybody guess who the old Guild Master was?

Oh and sorry for the short chapter that might need more editing and Sorry again.

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