Late Night Conversations

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{Here (In Your Arms) by Hellogoodbye}


I like, where we are.

It was late at night, the entire Curtis house was dark. All the bodies inside were sleeping peacefully.

When we drive, in your car.

It was freezing outside, which means it is certain to kid couldn't sleep in the lot this night. That kid, being Johnny Cade.

I like, where we are,

Johnny either slept in the lot, slept at the Curtis house, or slept at Two-Bit's house. He never went home anymore. He hated it there, and his parents didn't want him there anyway.


Johnny didn't want to go to the Curtis house tonight. But he had no choice. If he didn't he would freeze out here. Plus he promised Sodapop to stop sleeping outside or at his parents house. Which Johnny respected that.

'Cause our lips, can touch,

Sodapop and Johnny were dating. They seemed like an odd combination, but it happened. Johnny was honestly baffled when they started going out. Sodapop seems like he could have whomever he wanted. So he chose Johnny? It just didn't make sense to him.

And our cheeks, can brush.

Johnny always thought that Sodapop started dating him out of pity. But as time went on, he started to warm up to him a little more. He relaxed and realized... hey, maybe this is love. It made Johnny tingly; feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Our lips can touch,

Their relationship was simple. Sodapop liked that the most because he was done with complicated girls. Or just complicated anything. He wanted to settle down, no more drama. Johnny was perfect, he was quiet and shy. It made Sodapop just want to squeal. He could be so cute sometimes.


Johnny was always just the most adorable thing when he was asleep. At least, Sodapop thought so.

Well you are the one,

Johnny was real shy. So he wasn't one for PDA or cuddling. But it was amazing when Johnny did finally did break and let Soda touch him.

The one that lies close to me.

In the meantime, here Johnny was. He walked up onto the Curtis brothers houses porch. He made sure to shut the gate behind himself. Johnny just stood there, on the porch, unsure of what to do with himself. He was use to being guided, or just not doing anything in difficult situations. He was used to other making decisions so he didn't have to. He preferred it that way.

Whispers, "Hello, I miss you quite terribly..."

He sighed loudly. He really didn't want to do this. He knew he would be Sodapop really upset if he didn't show up, though.

I fell in love,

Johnny just didn't want him to find out he was still trying to sleep outside.

In love with you suddenly.

Johnny walked inside the Curtis home. Gently closing the door behind him. Johnny glanced at the coat rack next to the door. He noticed that Ponyboy's stuff was gone. Shoes and jacket. He must have been spending the night at a friends house.

Now there's no place else I could be,

That must mean Sodapop is in bed alone. Johnny bit his lip, he knew how much Sodapop had grown to hating sleeping by himself. No one else in the bed to cuddle with made it hard for him to sleep. He wondered what would happen if he went into the room...

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