Chapter 1: I think I'm in love

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She’s been waiting patiently for about an hour now and she looked at her phone to see if there were any new messages from him.

Damn, he’s late again.’ She thought.

She sighed to herself and sipped on her iced coffee. They had been so busy with work and life that they hadn’t seen each other for about three months. Three whole months of not seeing and calling one another had caused her great pain.
Dylan was her home and the fact that they rarely talked during those three months made her cry almost every night.

She loves him.

And almost all of her friends, even her father thinks that he also loves her.

The only problem is that she never admitted her feelings towards him and he would sometimes give her mixed signals. But screw those mixed signals, she thought.

He was finally coming home and she promised to herself that today is the day that she would finally confess her feelings.

Finally, after two hours of waiting for him, he showed up. They both locked eyes as Dylan hurriedly walked towards her.

“I’ve missed you, stupid” was the first thing Dylan said before engulfing her with a hug.

She hugged him back and breathed the channel perfume he happens to love wearing.

She pulled away and gave him a playful glare.

“I’ve been waiting for you in this stupid café for two hours, Dylan” she pouted while he laughed and took a sit in front of her.

“Not my fault. The traffic here was dreadful but I’m here now.” He gave her his infamous smile that can make anyone melt. Damn it, why does he have to be so gorgeous??

She blushed and rolled her eyes playfully.

“Oh and I’ve got something to tell you.” He said before taking a bite of her sandwich.

“Yeah, me too. But you go ahead first” she exhaled the breath that she didn’t know that she was holding in. She’s finally going to do it. Finally going to confess that she loves him; she has always love him.

“Okay so, I think I’m in love” was all he said before she froze.

Wang He Di is in love? With whom?

She couldn’t deny the fact that there is a tiny glimmer of hope that maybe, he is also going to confess that he loves her back but knowing Dylan, he wouldn’t do that in such a public place. Unlike her who was supposed to confess to him.

“O-oh who is the unlucky girl?” she tried to sound cheerful, she really did but she felt her hands shaking and her heart was pounding in her chest.

Please let it be me’ she bit her lip

Shen Yue, was never been the religious type but during this time, she decided to run back to God to say a simple prayer in her mind.

Dylan ever slowly took out his phone before giving it to her.

“Look! Isn’t she pretty? We met last month when I was filming a variety show in Beijing and at first I thought she was a little rude but our dressing rooms were next to each other and she…”

She couldn’t bear to listen to his story anymore and she looked at the screen. Oh no, it’s the new rising star that everybody on weibo talked about.

Her name is Wu, Ciaxo and she’s very pretty and tall and some netizens compared how she looks like Dilireba’s younger sister. She’s basically perfect and his ideal girl.

Shen Yue, looked back to Dylan who was still talking about how he embarrassed himself when he asked Ciaxo on a date and that’s when she felt her heart crack.

She plastered on a fake smile while holding back her tears and Dylan immediately noticed that something was wrong.

“Hey, you okay?” he sounded concerned and his eyebrows were furrowed. She tried laughing but she knew that if she talk, her voice would crack and would give away the fact that she was indeed, not okay.

So all she could do was nod.

“Aww, don’t worry Yue, you’re still my favourite.” He smirked to ease the tension and reached forward to pinch her cheek.

How can he say that so easily while I’m over here having a breakdown because he doesn’t love me? She thought bitterly.

“Sorry, I’m just really tired I should go.” She stood up and Dylan looks confused.

“Wait hey.” He grabbed her hand and she froze.

“Come on, I just got here. You don’t want to stare at my handsome face anymore?” he jokingly asked but she saw a hint of concerned into his eyes.

“My eyes are actually burning at the sight of you, Wang He Di.” He placed his hand on his heart to look offended and she gave him a small smile.

“No, seriously I wanna go home. I’m too tired.” Dylan reluctantly let go of her hand and nodded.

“Okay well, Kuan is also coming home tomorrow and wanted to see if we’re available for dinner?”

“Yeah see you tomorrow night.” She turned around but before she could leave the café, she heard his stupid voice again

“Shen Yue!”

She turned around and all he did was smile fondly at her.

“Take care.”

She smiled and waved him good bye before walking hastily towards the door.

Somewhere along the café, she left her heart and she was never sure she would recover again because of a dumb guy named Wang He Di and his inability to see how much she loves him.

So obviously I just made up the name “Wu, Ciaxo” lol and this is going to be a 3 part or 5 part story depending on my mood hahaha. Feel free to comment or message me.

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