♔︎ I. ♔︎

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It was a beautiful sunny day. The slight wind was gently blowing through the brown hair from the boy, which is standing at the balcony while looking around.

The boy's name is Lee Minho. The firstborn child who will soon take the whole kingdom into his own hands. But as is known, he first has to marry the princess, then he can take the throne. That's what the royal laws say.

Minho never liked the idea of getting married to someone he never met before, but he knew he has to follow the rules to be the rightful owner of the kingdom. The brunette always follows his parents' decisions or rules whatever it is. Of course, there are times when he feels like he needs to run away and taste the freedom, he was missing since he was just a child. Since being part of the royal family isn't as good as you might think.

A soft sigh escaped from his lips when the church bell started to ring. It means that the brown-haired boy has to go down because visitors will soon show up. He walked back inside his room and closed the door behind him.
Minho looked in the mirror, which was standing in the corner of his room, and check out his suit.

It was bright white fabric, like clear snow in December, with gold decorations around the edges. White is a symbol of purity, clarity, and innocence. That's why Minho likes this suit most.

People will always describe Minho as a charming person, but very shy. He always followed the rules as their parents or teachers wished, he would feel bad if he would make someone disappointed, that's why he always work hard, to satisfy everyone enough. He is a very caring person even though he doesn't like to show it because he is scared that people will hurt him. But whenever his brother, Jihoon, fell down Minho was first to run to him and helping him. When Jihoon couldn't fall asleep Minho was there to sing for him but anytime his mother asks if it's true, he refuses it.

It was just the way he protects his pure heart. In this world is easy to break someone's heart into pieces but the hard thing is to be loyal and nice. People look for money and face but the real beauty is in your heart.

Minho places his hand on the place when his heart was beating and small smile flashes on his lips. His thoughts were disturbed by my knocking. "Walk in." Said the brown-haired boy and turned toward the door, while placing his crown on his head. A small old lady walked inside and immediately bowed to the prince. "Prince! The visitor is here, highness sent me here to look if you are okay, and bring you down.." She said while still bowing.

"Oh, missis El I told you to not bow to me. I was just getting ready, how do I look?" Minho asked and turned around. "Beautiful as always prince." She said with a smile and turned around as well. Prince let out a chuckle and walked out of his room. Guardians in front of his room bowed as soon as their eyes landed at the beautiful son from their king.

In the whole village, in the ever house, people were amazed at how beautiful the prince is. Every artist wanted to draw him, every family wanted to own his portrait. That is why so many girls around were jealous of the princess who walked out of the gold carriage with a charming smile.

"I wish I would be so beautiful like she is," said the little girl while holding onto her mother. Little did she know another person heard her words. He gets out of the carriage as well right toward the girl ignoring her parents.

Minho walked out of the castle and waved some of the people which were watching from distance. He noticed the princess with a smile, but his eyes landed on someone who was walking toward a little girl with a mom. "Who is he?" Minho asked.

"Pleasure to meet you, prince. I apologize for our son Jisung. He will be back soon." She said and Minho couldn't resist standing here.
"I will be back." He said and his legs started to move towards the other prince.

Jisung bend down and smiled. "I heard what you said little one. But remember, your face doesn't make you beautiful, no matter if you are a princess or not u always need a beautiful heart, only there is.." Jisung couldn't finish his sentence because someone else finished it. "..is the real beauty." Finished Minho.

Jisung straight up and turned toward the person he didn't know, but soon as his eyes landed on the boy in front of him he felt an unfamiliar tickle in his stomach. It felt like butterflies were tickling him from inside with their beautiful wings. The same feeling had Minho. He suddenly became speechless, his throat felt numb, just his eyes were tracing around Jisung's face.

El noticed that our prince became completely speechless. She giggled and smiled. "This is Prince Minho, our prince? This is prince Jisung from Han's royal family," she said and with her elbow she it sides of Minho's body.

He flinched and immediately bowed. What was this unfamiliar feeling? Asked Minho himself while they were walking in the room to eat.


So it's my first time in English. Probably slow updates but I hope you will like it! 💙

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