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Ok guys.  So it's been like two years.... it's pretty clear that this has been off the table for a while.

Truth is, I'm not super proud of this story.  Finding the right words was hard and I just don't think I did a great job. 

Nonetheless, I do like the concept of this story and haven't had the heart to delete it or take it off of my published works.  Every time someone new starts reading it and comments or votes, guilt runs through me like you wouldn't believe.  I'm serious everyone near me gets to hear my panic of "OH GOD THEY'RE ON CHAPTER EIGHT THEY'RE GONNA BE SO SAD," because I know what it's like to read discontinued stories and it sucks to be the one causing that.

This book isn't huge.  It doesn't have a ton of reads and it doesn't have a ton of chapters.  What I want to do is take everything down(except maybe this chapter), rewrite it, and put it back up as something to be proud of.

I've written another book and I have more experience with my style as an author, so I'm hoping that by starting over, I can make it something more fun to work on.  By making it more fun for me, more chapters should come out for you.

I'm sorry for abandoning it as long as I did and I'm sorry to anyone I disappointed.  I hope that when this story comes back with improvements, anyone who has read this will have the patience with me to give it a second chance.

Love you guys.  I hope this story comes back as something great.

Thank you all <3


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2020 ⏰

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