Life with two kids

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(This is another short)
Foxys POV
So after I met mangle and fell in love with her we eventually got married then we had kids two. They are fang and pearl fang is the rambunctious one and pearl is the nice and sweet one mangle likes pearl better and I like fang better. Fang is 8 and pearl is 7 they always like to play with Freddy and Chicas kids Francisco angel and Tim. So we will always drop them off in their room so me and mangle can have some alone time if you know what I mean! "Dad! Dad!" Fang shouts at me "what!" "I want some chicken!" "Ok!" Well I have to go.

Mangles POV
I love both of my kids very much but pearl is the sweetest and nicest kid not that I don't like fang he just breaks stuff *hears something break* huh see what I mean "what did you just break!" "Nothing!"*hear him scrambling with pieces of something.* well I have to go.

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