Late Night Fishing

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The sun had long set and it was almost 10:00 pm. Anthony was driving me home but he wanted to stop at the lake that was along the way to my house. We got out of his blue Subaru and walked to the edge of the lake, he had his fishing pole in one hand and a flashlight in the other. We were using the flashlights on our phones so neither of us would trip over anything. 

When we arrived to the shore of the lake, he handed me his phone and threw the line out a few times. I watched as the surface of the water rippled when the fishing line hit but I was mainly star gazing at the starry filled night sky with its full moon. No one else was at the lake since it was so late. The moon and stars had reflected amazingly as if the water was a mirror. I had found the little and big dipper constellations. 

By then, Anthony was done with fishing, he didn't catch anything but grass in the water. When we were walking back to his car he stopped, turned to me, kissed me, and said "I've always wanted to kiss you under the stars." and winked at me with his sly smile. My heart melted.

He drove me home and I went to bed full of pure bliss, feeling like I was on cloud 9. It was an amazing night.

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