💕Love at first sight💕

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I groan as I roll out of bed, and quickly shut my alarm clock up. As soon as I was dressed in my new school uniform I ran down stairs to grab some breakfast.
"Oh man my first day at a new school! I'm so excited!" I said to myself as I walked to school.
"Y/n! Hey wait up, wait for meeee." Liam said as he ran to catch up to me. Liam and I had been friends since middle school, and today was our first day of Highschool.
"Hurry up Liam I don't wanna be late" I said

{time skip brought to you by cat naps}

"Hey good morning Meg." I said to my best friend
"Oh my gosh y/n have you heard!! There's supposed to be a new kid and get this, he's a hottie!" She said.
"What really! Where is he now!" I frantically asked looking around the room.
"Whaaaaa know one is as handsome and good looking as me ya know." Liam said while striking a pose.
"Huuuu? Handsome where I don't see anything." Meg said sarcastically.
"Oh come on Meg don't be to hard on him," I said putting my hand on her shoulder. "He doesn't know what good looks are."
"Hey come on you guys cut me some slack." Liam wined.
Meg and I laughed as we joked around with Liam. But just then the doors to the classroom opened and every one turned to the front of the classroom. I looked over megs head locking eyes with him. It's the guy Meg was talking about, the new kid who was said to be a total hottie!!
Our eyes were locked together, the slight breeze blowing threw his branches, causing his beautiful leaves to ruffle around.
"Good morning class mates, my name is Ajisai no shigemi, but you can call me bush." He said.
Just as he had finished his introduction to our class, the teacher walked in.
"Ok class take your seats today we will be discussing mathematics." The teacher said as she walked up to the board.

{time skip to after schoolcuz I. Am. Lazy!~}

"Oh my French dip! Did you see how bush- senpais leaves blew in my direction!" Meg said
"Man you girls have no taste he's a bush for pests sake!" Liam said throwing his arms up.
"Hey he's not just a bush... he's a gentleman of a bush." She said clasping her hands together. "come on y/n back me up here will ya. Huh... hey Liam where's y/n?"

•meanwhile in the school's greenhouse•

"U-um bush-senpai, why did you ask me here?" I said as I walked into the greenhouse.
"Y/n I'm so glad you came, I wanted to talk to you." He said turning to face me. " y/n you are by far the most lovely flower I have ever seen, so pleas take this Hydrangea and be my girlfriend."
"Oh-oh my bush-senpai this i-is so sudden I don't know what to say." I said covering my red cheeks. Bush-senpai gently took my hands in his branches and turns my face so that our eyes could lock. My e/c looked longingly in his beautiful leafy green eyes.
"My dear if you don't know what to say, then say..." bush-senpai whispered as he leaned in closer our lips only inches away. "Then say yes"
He leaned in closer his handsom branchy lips slowly getting closer to mine. My heart feels like it's going to beat right outside of my chest.
'I-Is this really happening, the boy of my dreams confess to me and now he's going to k-k-kiss meeee!!!!' I thought to myself.
"Huh! Wha!? Awwww man of course it was a dream, it was to good to be truuuuuue. And I had to wake up right at the good part, awww maaaan." You said to your self out loud, while sitting up and covering your face.

{hey every one thanks for making it this far. It's my first time doing something like this, so pleas go easy on me with the correction. At least for now. Anywho I hope you enjoyed this cringey chapter and I can't wait to see you all in the next on!! Tooodles~}

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2020 ⏰

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