~ Pilot ~

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"I tried to hold on, truly.

But all the lies, all the tears, all the sleepless nights and blurry days, I couldn't find any part of me that wanted to believe that the pain would somehow go away.

So here I stand alone, in a world where people lie and cheat, in a world where people hate and kill. In a world where people take their own lives to end the pain that keeps them from loving.

I'm standing alone in this cruel place we call home, waiting for a better day that might never come."


First of all, thank you for reading.

Second, there will be some chapters that refer to abuse, self harm, bullying ect. I will put a warning at the top of the chapter, but I will also write a summary at the end if you would like to continue reading this book.

And third, I will be updating depending on my tests and free time.

Please feel free to criticise and point out any errors, as well as vote or comment.

Thank you for your time.

Word count

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