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Hey guys, this is my first prologue, or story all together, on WattPad. I'm still struggling to get better at English Literature for I love writing stories (even though I don't like reading as much), but it's still kinda annoying not being a native English speaker. lol

I hope you guys like and enjoy my prologue, please help me by reviewing it, thanks! =]


“Mom, I’m home…” Was the greeting Mrs. Ryder got from his son, Jason Ryder. He was an average 16-year-old boy, black hair, pitch black eyes, fit but not build and he was around the middle when it came to grades.

“Twelve more Lions found dead in the city Zoo, a total of a hundred and twenty eight worldwide, since the first mysterious death around a month ago. These animal deaths have been reported since around the beginning of 2011, first with one species of birds and two or three of fish, but almost two years later, it’s escalated to several species of the air, land and sea. The cause for these deaths is still unknown…” Jason heard, walking into the living room and seeing his mom on the couch, watching the news.

“Still nothing?” Jason asked.

“No, they’re looking into it though…” She responded.

“Yea, for over two years…” He replied, grabbing a sack of chips and heading upstairs to his room. It was Friday, so he didn’t do anything to his homework and just went online. However, around 11 he was already feeling sleepy and thus changed his clothes and went to sleep, it was a long day at school.

He was fast asleep, into the realms of dreams. He felt himself in a box, it was dark and frightful. He felt eyes, looking at him. Dark red eyes, glaring, breathing over his neck, his heart rate accelerated and all the hairs on his back stood up and he jumped up from his bed. As he did, he bumped into something, after taking a few step backwards, he looked up to see a man, staring directly at him.

“Grab your stuff, you have two minutes.” The man bluntly said.

Jason couldn’t get a word out, his legs were shaking and his body was cold, he couldn’t think. He thought he was dreaming, but did what the man instructed out of fear. He turned to the side towards his desk. He grabbed his backpack and threw everything inside on the floor; he grabbed a few of his stuff and shoved them into his backpack along with his clothes that he went to school with.

“Now, get in.” The man replied, still in the exact same position.

Jason couldn’t figure out what he meant, but soon realized when he turned his head the other direction, to see a pod. It was an oval shape, around the size of a Queen bed; it was odd that he didn’t notice. He figured it out was out of confusion. From fear as to what might happen, he got in, immediately afterwards, the man entered, hitting a button. Inside was metallic and had cushion padding for them to sit, near where he had entered, had at least a dozen buttons.

“W- Wait, what about my… mom?” He asked.

“She’s already gone…” He replied in a cold voice.

Jason clenched his fists and just waited. The pod started moving, upwards, but he didn’t hear a crash. He took the moment to observe the man; he had piercing red eyes and dark red hair, with odd clothing. The man then hit another button, and on the side of the pod, the material that was on the wall moved downwards to reveal a window. Jason saw beams being projected towards where the pod was heading.

Jason gulped and gathered his courage “H-How are you and what e-exactly are you doing?” He mumbled.

“Shut the hell up and just wait…” The man barked.

It was then that Jason noticed a weird accent; it wasn’t one he hasn’t heard before, hell, he hasn’t even seen people with red eyes before. These facts, made it all the worst.

Soon after the short conversation, the pod stopped and landed with a gentle thud. The man pressed the button and made the exit door open.

“Get out…” He said.

Jason grabbed his bag and got out. He looked at his attire and noticed he was in shorts and a shirt, barefooted. But that was the least of his worries; he looked around to see something like a hangar. The walls were made of metal and several other pods were aligned next to each other, and several other humans were emerging from them.

“Guess I’m not the only one…” He thought.

“Humans,” Said a strong voice, standing a few feet away, in nice fluent English. “Follow me.” The man was buffed, and slightly resembled Jason.

He then walked away, Jason didn’t know what to do and just stood there, but then a few other humans walked passed him and he decided to go along. The man stopped in front of a door, it projected a blue light and the man placed his hand on a panel, beside the door, soon after the door opened.

“Get inside and don’t come out till one of us gets you.” He ordered.

And so the humans did, they entered the room and waited. It looked padded, except for a long panorama window.

“Are they… going to kill us?” One of the humans said, Jason turned and noticed it was a girl, she was crying and couldn’t be much older than him.

“If they were going to, they would’ve already done it,” Said another, older, teenager with a British accent. “I think they’re kidnapping us for experiments, like you see on TV…”

“The Confederation Ship is exactly on the other side of the planet. I repeat the Confederation Ship is exactly on the other side of the planet. Everything is supposedly set, prepare for heavy turbulence.” said a voice through an intercom.

“What’s going on?” screamed another girl, who seemed Chinese.

Everyone remained silent as a loud rumble could be heard, getting louder and louder. Jason looked out the window; Earth was steadily getting smaller, meaning they were moving.

But then, he saw a bright light, and the Earth exploded, shattered into pieces as if it was nothing.

“Save… us?” he thought out loud.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2011 ⏰

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