World Tour 11/14/14

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        This concert was one of the best yet. It was held at a very small venue with fans that trued to jump on very corner of the stage. Bangs are hear don the side of the building as we perform King for a Day.

        "Imagine living like a king some day," we scream. The beating is getting louder. At first, we assumed it was the rain, but it was getting a little too violent for rain. I looked over at Kellin, who looked somewhat concerned. Obviously, he could hear exactly what I was hearing. We'v enever had a crowd this crazy in such a small area.

        "A single night without a ghost in the walls," we continue. The fans seem to be completely unaware of the sound. The walls look as if they are caving in. Looking closely, I can see people at the windows, beating with their fists in crazed attempts to get in.

        "We are the shadows screaming 'Take Us Now!' We'd rather die than live to rust on the ground!" We finish, and the crown errupts in applause and screams.

        Suddenly, a window breaks open, and people begin to pile in through them, contorting their bodies in ways that would pain Cirque du Soleil performers. Kellin looks over to me and mouths a curse word as he looks to the window. Fear of these fangirls is in no way a sign of  a pussy, because those girls get serious. People begin screaming. I look closely into the crowd, expecting to see teenage girls, but I am taken by suprise. These aren't our regualer fangirls. Their flesh looks as if it is deteriorating. They begin to tackle the crowd, while the rest make thei rway to the stage. Before I could hget a word out of my mouth, Kellin drops his mic.

        "That's a zombie," he says in horror and begins to throew things off the stage as if it will help our situation. "Vic, we have to get out of here!" he screams at me. He grabs my hand as the zombiue sbegin to pile on the stage. I'm in a state of shock. My feet refuse to move, but my brain is telling me to run. "Vic, what are you doing?" he yanks my arm, and we begin to runb as I feel a flaky, clammy hand hand grab my foot. A sharp pain shoots up my body from my ankle. I feel my skin break as the bite bites into my ankle. My scream cuts through the chaotic air, as blood begins to pour out of my body. Jaime swoops me up and runs towards the tour bus. My head is foggy. My vision becomes blurry, and I have a sick, vomitting feeling in the pit of my stomach. The bus doors open, and we all pile in. It is probably better for all of us to stay in a group anyways. Jaime throws me down on one of the couches.

        "Vic!" Kellin says in a panic. I groan as I look at him. He looks delicious, and not in a sexy way.

        "Don't be yelling around him. Use common sense Kellin!" Mike snaps.

        "Excuse me for being worried?" Kellin scoffs, cocking an eyebrow.

        "Your panicking isn't helping him," Mike sighs.

        "And you standing there being 'Stoic the Great' isn't helping either!" Kellin shoots at him. Mike groans in annoyance at him. A sharp, high-pitched squeal rings throughout my ears, and I groan in pain.

        Hey guys, I dont mean to be an attention hog, but my ankle just became a snack for a demonic fangirl, and I feel like a pile of crap." I groan

        Kellin giggles to himself, and everyone just gives him this look of, "Dude, what the hell?".

        "I," he coughs, "I was just thinking...that probably isn't the first time that's happened." He is trying to be our comic relief, and everyone rolls their eyes in response.

        A sharp pain shoots up my leg and throughout my body. The metallic taste of blood fills my mouth.

        "I don't think he has long," Justin says.

        "What are you- AH! gonna do?" I cry. Tears begin to sting down my face. My ankle throbs, and my limbs begin to go numb. My eyes flicker and I claw into the couch. Blood. Blood.

        "Well, you've seenmovies, haven't you?" Justin says quietly, as if I won't be able to hear him.

        "No!" Kellin and Mike shout in unison. My ears ring.

        "No, we can't kill him," Kellin says. I look at my best friend holding my wrist in panic and pain.

        Blood. How would it taste? You're so close. NO! I can't. Not Kellin. Color fades from my sight.

        "God, Kellin, what do you want? He'll kill all of us. We have to!" Justin argues.

        "Kill me," I beg.

     "No!" Kellin snaps at me. My entire vision swaps. Shaking. My head throbs, and the, everything becomes extremely tranquil.

        "Kill me!" I scream and begin to thrash about. I grab Kellin's wrist and grip it as hard as possible. Kill. With my other hand, I grip his hair and slam hiis head against the wall. 

        "Vic!" I hear someone scream, but I can't figure out who the voice belongs to. My body aches for the taste of his flesh. I stand and pull Kellin up to eye level. Fear is swimming around in his light blue eyes, and blood is running down his face.

        "Vic, no," he begs in a whisper.

        I laugh demonically. No Kellin, I can't. "Kill me," I whisper. I grab Kellin's head and violently jerk it, causing his neck to crack, and his body to go limp. A shot rings out, and I feel a stabbing sensation in the back of my head as I fall to the ground and slip into an eternal darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2014 ⏰

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