It's fine, Joseph, I'm fine.

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Caesar never expected to survive the battle with Wamuu. He had also never expected to be standing next to his best friend at the alter, but at this point in his life he'd learnt to expect the unexpected.

Him and Joseph were making small talk and laughing at nothing for a few minutes until Joseph's attention was immediately ripped from him.

She was absolutely gorgeous. With her blonde hair styled perfectly in a bun and with off-white tulle connected, it'd be easy to mistake her for a princess. As she walked her long white dress flowed behind her. He was honored to consider her family.

As Caesar turned to look back at Joseph, he could see tears in his eyes. The groom couldn't help but smile, and how could he resist? He was getting married to his soulmate, the girl that was always there, and would always be there, until death due them part.

Caesar thought he knew pain. Turns out he was wrong. Nothing could hurt him as much as this.

At the reception Caesar had got up from his designated chair to go sit at the bar near the side of the venue. Even knowing he should be out there congratulating Joseph and Suzi, the alcohol was more inviting, and he ordered his second drink. He was really wishing that stone had killed him right about now.

The day's events made a few hours seem like a lifetime. Once Caesar was able to go back to his hotel room and reflect on everything that happened it finally hit on why he was so upset.


Caesar had never believed in true love or soulmates. He had never found a girl that he could confidently say he was in love with. Sure, he had flings every other day, but he wouldn't bat an eye if one of them told him she was getting married. What made Joseph so different?

He remembers training with the younger man years back. He remembers how every time Joseph's shirt had flown up while fighting he couldn't help but stare. At the time he thought it was out of jealousy, but knowing what he knows now, he's confident that's not it.

He remembers hearing Joseph's laugh. It was strong and came right from the gut. After getting his mask off, he never hid his toothy smile or plump lips. Caesar caught himself getting lost admiring Joseph for doing the simplest things, like the way his mouth moved when he talked and how his pupils would dilate when getting fired up about something he cared about.

Caesar considered this a punishment from God for all the crimes he committed before getting his act together.

He shouldn't be thinking about his best friend like this, let alone another man. Especially on said man's wedding night, where he was presumably with her this very moment. Caesar had never found himself to be jealous of Suzi Q before today; he would do anything to trade places with her, even for a second. But, unfortunately for him, he was too little too late.

Caesar felt a wet drop fall onto the back of his hand. Instinctively looking to the ceiling, he found nothing out of the sort. Where was the leak coming from? The ceiling was fine, so what was causing his hand to become wet?

He felt the same wetness of his cheek, rolling down off his chin and onto his hand to the same spot. He paused, already knowing what he would find when he lifted his fingers to his eyes, pressing them slightly to the corners.

Caesar couldn't remember the last time he had cried. It must have been years ago, when he was ready to sacrifice himself for Joseph. Of course he'd be crying over the same man twice in a row. He didn't like it. It made him feel weak and feminine. Caesar chuckled to himself, maybe if he was weak and feminine Joseph would be with him right now instead of Suzi Q.

The blonde had expected to feel a little upset about today. He would have to say goodbye to two of his closest friends as they start their new life in America. He would be stuck behind in Italy alone. Caesar had known what being alone felt like, which in his eyes, make it that much worse.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2020 ⏰

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