Part 1.(?)

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I brushed off the eerie feeling and continued my way through the gnarled oaks, towering over me like large knives ready to slice down at any sudden moment. My heart was hammering inside my battered chest, ready to explode.  I stumbled through a rose bush, glistening with dew. My scarf caught on a mischevious thorn, ripping it from around my small, pitiful neck. I shivered, but didn't try to retrieve my multicoloured snake like scarf from the grips of the thorny, so called bush. more like a death by spikes.. A burst of confidence sparked up inside of me and I began to run, agile. When I stopped to take a breather, I was already half way to my destination. (So much about feeling agile.. more like I WAS agile.) I heard the sharp crack of a twig snapping in half. It sounded close by. I swiftly swivelled round, met with a tall, hooded predator approaching me, the petite, helpless, victim. I told myself to be calm and to continue to Run as fast as I could,(so much for a breather..) but before I could flee for my life, The hooded figure was apon me. they seemed to disolve and then reappear infront of where I stood, a grin full of malice and excitement spread across their lower section of face.  unsure how they did it, I immediately let out a  startled gasp. they cupped my chin In their hands, holding it close to their face, inspecting my astronomical freckles and Alluring, powerful indigo eyes. 'What Is a young, petite lady doing In the woods at this time of night?'they asked, in an unexpectedly high voice. 

'Ma'am.. (or sir,) I-It's afternoon..' 

they frowned, throwing down their shadowy hood, revealing massive waves of oceanic like hair, swirling all the way down to her hips, the colour of a cerulean blue. Her colourful, seafoam green eyes looking around the sky In awe. 'So it is! That wretched hood of mine sometimes blocks out all light.' She explained, gazing up at the light, pastel sky. I nodded. She wasn't what I was expecting. (I'm lazy :])

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2020 ⏰

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Part 1. (?) (''I didn't expect that..'')Where stories live. Discover now