A Dream Come True.

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They were holding hands, walking down the street in the pouring rain, past all of the busy shops and roads. It was magical in a way but also a little sad in another. The rain dripped into their eyes and mouth considering they had no umbrella which was a silly mistake. He looked at her giggling because of the situation and she giggled back. They just wanted to make it back to his house so they could watch Netflix and eat a hell of a lot of takeaway.
The sky was rumbling and making strange sounds. There must be a storm on the way. They had to get back as fast as possible.
Once they made it back to his apartment,they looked out of the window to see how lucky they were, as they just missed the huge storm that had just started. I tell you, they were reliefed.

She decided to go and get into something more comfortable and dry, so they could watch their Netflix and eat their takeaway, without being soaking wet. But when she came out, she saw something that she definitely did not expect from him. A candlelight dinner. This made her blush but also very embarrassed as when she went to go and put something more comfortable on, she really just put on some sweats and an oversized tee. But by the looks of it, he didn't seem to care at all. He just wanted to have a nice and beautiful dinner.

They talked, and talked, and talked some more, until they had finished their meals. By then she was no longer in the mood for Netflix nor takeaway. She was in the mood for some fun. So she decided she would just go for it.Take the risk and be brave.
After he put the dirty dishes away, she snuck up behind him and slowly ran her fingers down his muscular arms and then to his hips, then thighs. He turned around and looked deeply into her baby blue eyes as he was biting his bottom lip seductively. Then he pulled her in close. Body to body, as he kissed her lips better than she could've ever imagined it. Her stomach was filled with butterflies as she kissed him back with great passion. He pulled away. His chestnut brown eyes looking her up and down, slowly running his hands up her shirt to grasp he waist as he kissed her neck and shoulders. Her breathing speed began to increase. She trailed her hands up his back to reach his neck and then, his hair to put her fingertips through.His hair was bleached blonde and extremely fluffy. She lightly whispered into his right ear, the words she knew she shouldn't say, but said anyway. Slowly the words I love you came out of her mouth. He quickly stared at her. Her heart started to pound five times faster. She thought she had just ruined it, the relationship, the moment. But then, he placed his head up against hers,the tips of their noses touching. He said to her sweetly. I love you too.

They had the best night of their lives, filled with passionate love and things people could only ever dream about.

This was their Happy ending...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2020 ⏰

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