the clown's cry's

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              joker pov.
      It was a late, rainy night in gotham. it had been weeks since I have danced with batsy , the same night that stupid , slutty, theif, catwomen kissed him my bats. i regert  the fact i ran. the sad truth, it just hurt. hurt? i'm suppose to be insane, i-i'm suppose to have  to be emotionles hahahahhahaha.

bruce/ batsy pov.

       it's been weeks weeks  he has done anything in weeks im starting to get worried..... i'm not worried over him he a phsyco. i can't . " al i'm going on patrol."  i muttered out while walking to the batmoblie i could feel his cocerned gaze on me. i hate that gaze i hate the fact he worry's so much. 


   i swung across gotham searching for the choatic clown he has to be  planning something. i know he got to be doing something

our pov.

   the bats swung to the top of an apartment lost in thoughts still being to afarid to addmit he was worried about the little clown prince. he was taken out of his thoughts by quiet sobs.  he turns to scan the rooftop to see a  figure hidden beside the stairs to the rooftop the figure hasn't seemed to notice him. it was hard to see any details to identife the person a big black hoodie seemed to devour the small figure.
        batman slowly apporached the figure. when the bats was aleast a foot away the figure froze  they have clearly figured out he was here . " excuse me ciziten is everything alright?"  the figure relaxed and sniffed then turned with a big grin on  thier face. now it was the bats turn to  be frozen in place. the joker how could it be he was just a heartless murder. that fake, broken smile made the bat uncomfortable.  " ah batsy , what a lovely night."  the joker stood  the grin turning into his crazed smile.

that night the bat learned  more of his joker and was suprised to wake up as bruce holding him.

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