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"You love him, don't you?" Maria asked, following the boyʼs gaze which was silently locked towards the irregular that was seated behind the glass wall, unaware of the attention he was getting from the other side of the building.

It was a rare moment, but somehow, Khun Maria Jahad had found a way to hide her presence and contact Aguero and his team as they set foot on the 77th floor onto her villa on the far side of the city. It was meant to be just like the old days. Her and Aguero sneaking off to someplace only the both of them know. Talk about what they had missed with childlike innocence.

However, today was different. Whether it was she who changed, or the latter, or whether it was the new-found company— especially the infamous Slayer nominee. She realized things just don't ever go 100% her way. So now, here she was musing at Aguero's state.

"Of course." The boy was abashed by the sudden sentiment, but then flashed a bitter smile. "Heʼs my world. But he has someone else as his star. I couldn't ever top that, could I?"

The girl sighed helplessly. Reaching out slowly, she placed her palm on top of his hand with a comforting intent. In an instant, Aguero's doubts started to fade.

"I never knew you were such a coward, Aguero," tauntingly, she said. It was amusing how fast she could just change expressions, but it was a must-have trait to have to survive even inside Khun Family's side branches.

Standing up, she looked at the boy's cobalt blue eyes and stared at it intently. "After years of knowing that irregular, do you still think heʼd run to God-knows-who in a heartbeat like how he used to?"

He went silent, his hesitations resurfacing to which Maria found endearing. It was rare to see a Khun being so uncertain, much more Aguero, who always strived towards perfection.

"Think, Aguero." she tapped her fingers on the surface of her crossed legs. "Preferences change. Feelings are fickle, feeble, and weak. God, did you even see how he looked at you when I led you to this room?"

She giggled, more likely to herself, her voice soothing like bells. "You should really stop looking back to the past, or else you'll miss what's held out in front of you." Once again, she flashed a comforting smile, tucking a strand of her silver blue hair behind her ear as she stood up.

"Now, if you'll excuse me. There are other guests waiting to be graced by my presence," she said with mock haughtiness before walking away.

Several minutes had passed before Aguero had the resolve to finally stand up. With a brand new confidence evident on his face, he followed suit eventually passing by her.

"Thank you, Maria."

"Glad to be of help."

With that, she smiled once more. Though this time, it was different. This time was more peculiar than the others. Because this time, it was bitter.

Slowly, she watched as he faded away from her sight, walking eagerly towards the hall which held the person he adored. Slowly, gently, but surely, he was truly happy.

'I finally found you. But you donʼt love me anymore.'


That day, she just went along the day's rhythm. It wasn't that hard considering the company Shibisu and the others had offered.

Yet, as night falls she only had the cold breeze and calm atmosphere as her only companions. She watched from the other side as her friend, her only friend, drifted further away to pursue his universe.

"As long as he's happy, I'll be happy too. Take care of my dear Aguero, Jue Viole Grace."

That line, was too cliché since the beginning. How could she be happy? When finally, the only person whom she trusted her life with, loosened his ties. There was nothing holding him back anymore. That there were no more strings that were pulling him inwards. Finally, he could be free from the clutches he once called home. And she was there, once again left alone. Like how it was always meant to be, she watched.

They'd laugh together. They'd smile at each other. Just like how the two of them, him and Maria, used to do in each other's presence.

He would ruffle her hair whenever something bothers her, then she would let him sleep on her lap, as compensation. But, just now, he was doing it with another. She set out her insecurities at that very moment.

She was pretty, yes. But Viole— Bam, rather, had something that could draw other people's attention. With her naturally silver glistened hair, her neatly trimmed eyelashes, to her fair complexion, these traits were superficial compared to the person Aguero cherished the most.

That person was one of a kind. The only one out of billions of people who could ever make Agueroʼs heart beat. Whenever betrayal comes, he would just smile. Whenever he'd get hurt, he would only get stronger. And whenever he would fall down, he would just rise up and start chasing life again. That person was full of emotions. The kind of wonder that she could not have.

Maria knows she could not even put up a fight, because she knows, that it would only hurt the both of them. So giving up was her only choice left. Aguero was her star. Yet, Aguero's universe becomes more brilliant than she could ever aspire.

So, all she could ever do was watch from the sidelines, like how she was supposed to do since the beginning.

She loves him, but cannot be inlove with him because she might just crumble down to pieces.

If only alternate universes are true, maybe someone could enter, and revise her story of unrequited love. If only she could reverse time back where everything felt right to her, she knows she'll never think of leaving again.

But as of now, all she could ever do was pretend that the whole thing never happened. That there was still just the two of them, Maria and Aguero. That those memories had continued existing.

But reality comes crashing down on her. Made her realize that at this moment, it was just her, the breeze, and the atmosphere accompanying her. That she was there, silently watching. And she was there, once again, left alone.

And her feelings still remained unheard.


okay, first fanfic i finally mustered to publish in this account and i was not expecting to write a whole angst point of view of Maria.

i'm sorry, but khunbam is my world. ya'll can kill me now i am ready. (ó﹏ò。)

this is not a phase :)

Unheard Feelings 「 khun maria jahad. 」Where stories live. Discover now