How it all started...

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It was afternoon. Icey and her sibling were playing with eachother. Laughing.  Icey was the youngest sibling. Their mother,  had an appointment and her ride was here.  She called their father to come and pick them up...  But he never came.  He never showed up. Icey and her brother,  Issac were both at the park alone.  Issac is still pretty young, he was only nine,  as Icey was three. Suddenly they both heard rustling by the tree's. "What was that?!" Icey screamed.  Issac shrugged "I don't know, it might be just a rabbit." he sighed. "A rabbit?!" Icey gasped she seemed excited and tried to find the "rabbit" near the trees... It wasn't a rabbit somehow.  It was a Scientist.  He chuckled. "we're are you going?" Icey screamed and cried as the Scientist picked her up.  Issac ran,  and saw Icey being kidnapped. He tried to fight but got knocked out.  Another scientist picked him up and took a long walk through the forest.  Never to be seen. "LET ME GO" Icey kept on saying repeatedly, she wasn't giving up. Issac mumbled "Icey.... " The Scientists stopped. "shut up... " The first one growled.  Icey looked at the Scientist's nametag. "Mon.... Dia?" Mondia that was his name.  The other scientist was named "Nacht" although Nacht isn't really important in this story he's not really shown. Mondia is Japan for Problems.  You see.  He was named that as first as he was born. He soon became corrupted by his father. Abusive.  Mistreated.  And. Well. Mondia killed his father.  Over anger. And. Now his soul is possessed by his father. "Here we are" said Mondia in a dark tone. He stopped by a huge labatory. Some trees were even covering it it seemed old. Icey standed there. Shaking. "WHAT IS THIS?! HALLOWEEN?!" Issac screamed "LAST I CHECKED..... " Issac stopped and saw Icey crying. Mondia pulled both of them inside. It was spacious, dim, and white. There were rooms.  Cages. Crying.  Screaming.  It was loud.  There were guards surrounding Issac and Icey to the point they can't run away.  Icey was walking somewhat slow and got close to Icey and cried on his shoulder.  "make it stop! It hurts... " She burst into tears. Mondia cleared the gaurds and stopped at a room. He shoved Icey and slammed the door. The scientists were smart.  They blocked off the vents to the point you can't escape.  The room.  It was a small childish room. There was a window too.  Icey ran to the window and. There was no escape. It was the type of glass that was shock proof, bullet proof type of window.  She banged on the window with her fists and slowly gave up.  She cried and cried "Daddy....  Why didn't you come....?"
With Issac and Mondia.  "WHY CAN'T I SEE MY SISTER?! WE'RE ARE YOU PUTTING ME?" Mondia growled.  "Your lucky it isn't the next day because we're going to do some...  'expirements'" "SO WHAT WERE A TEST SUBJECT NOW?!"  "Shut up and get in." he opened the room and shoved him inside.  Issac banged on the doors and screamed "TRUST ME! I AM GOING TO KILL YOU WHEN I ESCAPE KILL YOU YOU HERE ME?!" Issac passed out,  so did Icey.  The next day will come soon. And it's only going to get worse.

[WORK IN PROGRESS] "Save Me" Icey's Backstory Where stories live. Discover now