skater nights

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Adora yanked up her skates. Her lanky fingers twisted the laces into a tight, perky bow, and she then started on the next one. Pull, twist, tie, and done.

She stared at her bubblegum pink roller skates and stood up. For a moment she wobbled but after the first push, she took she felt at ease.

As she glided around the abandoned parking lot, she took in her surroundings. The faded parking lines, the old energy cans, scattered in the corners and the sunset, a gorgeous orange, pink and blue mix.

Adora loved coming here at this time, the lighting was calming, the sunset was stunning and no one bothered to come here after three in the afternoon.

Adora glided on the cement feeling blissful. She only felt this way in the lot. It was an escape, a wonderful escape. It provided a person-less wonderland that was hers, and so every evening she came to the lot.

She glided and spun and in the spur of the moment, Adora felt a rush of excitement and attempted to shoot the duck.

It wasn't a very hard trick but for Adora's clumsiness, she found that one especially difficult. 

As she sped up she lowered herself down, her leg wobbled and to her dismay, she crashed, sending her frame tumbling off.

"Nice going," A voice purred from behind her.

 Adora whipped her head in the other direction to see a girl leaning on the railing. She had short, choppy brown hair and had a pair of red, velvety skates in her left hand, "Maybe wear a helmet next time."

Adora patted her hair and rolled her eyes, "I didn't even hit my head," Although she was more focused on the girl, "What are you doing here anyway?" 

"Well, I was going to skate but now that you're here..." She trailed off glancing off boredly.

"No! I mean, you can stay, if you want," Adora blushed. She wasn't used to talking to pretty girls.

"Okay," The girl said, "I'm Catra by the way."


"That's a dorky name,"

"Is that good, or?"

Catra laughed, her eyes darting to the side for a moment "How about I teach you how to actually pull off shooting the duck,"


An hour later Adora had successfully pulled off the trick and she and Catra were just skating around. The sun was almost completely gone and the moon was looming overhead brightly.

"So what's your deal," Catra asked before pulling a graceful turn. Adora noticed a rainbow pin on Catra's shirt.

"Well, today I went skating this weird girl showed up," Adora joked.

"I meant more like are you sing- Nevermind,"

The girl skated over to the ledge of the lot as Adora watched. Catra was wearing a deep crimson top that clung to her tightly with lighter red leggings. Adora assumed Catra liked the color red.

Catra swung her legs over the side and sat with her back to Adora, "Come on,"

Adora looked up and quickly skated over.

As the blonde swung her legs over she commented on the view. Sitting on the ledge you could see the town below them. The cars, the pedestrians, the pigeons. 

Catra snickered and pointed at a person that Adora couldn't spot, "Look at her, she fell,"

 Adora laughed, jokingly shoving the other girl.

The two continued laughing until their giggles died out and they sat looking over the city mutually quietly.

"It is really nice," Catra said softly looking at Adora.

"Yeah," Adora whispered at the two made eye contact.

Adora felt her face ablaze and immediately felt way more conscious of everything. The sound of bustling cars and shouting people drowned out by the distance and the sound of Catra's even breathing, the bright lights below them, and most notably, how stunning Catra was up close.

Adora down as Catra looked at her more closely.

"What's with the dumb poof," Catra pointed to Adora's ponytail.

Adora looked up and offered a small smile and laugh.

Without any notice, Catra grabbed her hand and Adora froze with wide eyes and slowly lifted her head until she and Catra had locking eyes.

"What!" Adora cried, extremely frazzled, "Why! I mean- I'm not- It's just I'm- I like- You're really cool and I'm-" 

Her ramble was cut off by Catra's soft lips on Adora's dry ones. She was stunned but kissed Catra back. She took in Catra's soft breath and the way she tasted, like cherries and sugar water. She wanted to stay in this moment forever but Catra pulled out.

Adora's mind was running everything, so she blurted out, "Wait, you're gay?"

"No, stupid, I just kissed you out of my overwhelming heterosexuality." Catra laughed, although it sounded oddly like a meow, "I'm wearing a pride pin,"

"Oh," Adora said feeling stupid, "I thought it was- I don't even know." 

"You're really cute," Catra smirked.

"Oh, thanks, you too? I'm sorry, I've never kissed a pretty girl before. Only once, you." Adora blushed.

"Do you want to have kissed a pretty girl twice?" And the two girls kissed again. 

Adora's hands were tangled in the other girl's hair and had a tingling spine due to Catra's fingers tracing her back. Adora was beyond touch starved.

When the finally separated they kept their heads next to each other.

Adora had a massive grin on her face, Catra thought it was cute and dumb. 

"You smell like roses and cinnamon," Adora stated.


"Oh, Um yeah," Adora let out an embarrassed wheeze.

Adora smiled and looked down. The sun was completely set and only the moon was illuminating the two.

"So, are we-" The blonde trailed off, self-consciously patting her puff.

"So I've got to go," Catra  interrupted then paused, "You look cold."

Catra reached into a small duffle that Adora hadn't seen before and grabbed a black sweater with "Catra" embroidered on the back in red thread, "Here," She tossed it at Adora and Adora slipped it on. 

"Gotta run poof," And with that, the catgirl skated off leaving Adora sitting there staring at the pavement dully. The sweater was way too big for her but she pulled it around her self more, even though she was less cold now.

When would Catra be back? Adora felt tears pricking at her eyes and cursed herself. It was just a little thing.

She mindlessly shoved her hand in the pocket and felt a small slip of paper. She grabbed it and unfolded it, it read, 'Hey cutie,' then a 10 digit number and lastly 'xoxo and messy winky face'

Adora smiled and the sky and tucked the paper back in her pocket.

a/n: hi! it's the writer person here! hope you enjoyed the story! I will try to update it about once a week, but we will see!

-If u have any requests leave them here! ♡

catradora oneshots⁀➷Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang