Coming soon...

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Mama's presence always ushered in a storm. Remi knew this. But she hadn't been prepared for the hurricane that was this visit.

She'd spent the whole morning in a flurry. Cooking, cleaning, slaving to ensure the house was spotless in preparation for her mother-in-law, even though nothing she did would ever be good enough for mama. She didn't even know why she still bothered.

By the time she was done, she'd already rehearsed the earful her husband would be getting when he returned. He'd so conveniently forgotten about the visit until it was last minute and put her into this panic frenzy. He'd claimed his mother wasn't a visitor, and that she didn't need to work herself so much to please her. She scoffed. He'd always been blinded to his mother's faults.

She always dreaded the woman's visits and worse than that, their yearly visits to her house. While her husband felt nostalgic for his homecoming, she was set on edge. All her nerves tightening, her senses heightened. Entering that house, mama's comfort zone, felt to her like entering a lion's den. She would do anything to avoid it and had been pleasantly surprised when her previous tactic of feigning illness had worked the last time.

But she couldn't feign illness now. She lived here. There was no running from the encounter.

But what was the purpose of this visit anyways? Her husband had been vague when she'd asked him. He'd retorted asking her why his mother needed a reason to see her son.

No. Mama needed neither reason nor invitation to barge into her life and inform her of all the reasons she was a mistake in her son's life.

Remi let out a sigh.

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