Curse of a Love Unrealised

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I'm here to tell you a story.

A story that will torture your thoughts by day and poison your dreams by night.

And though I may do my best,

There are no words that can be written nor brush strokes laid on canvas that can descried the unbelievably un fathomable love between these two.

This love will inspire you.

The pencil glided over the paper in a wide ark. The soft scratch of graphite over paper filled her ears as her pale blue eyes followed the path of the pencil. She glanced up at the bird she was submitting to paper before continuing the shape and contours of its head on paper. She loved moments like this. The peace and calm of nature as she strives to capture those same feelings onto the paper of her sketch pad. A wind blew through the tree she was perched in. It blew her black hair into her face, obscuring her view. Blowing out a puff of air, she angrily tried to get the hair out of her vision. Finally freeing her vision of her own treacherous hair, she glanced at the bird only to find it had flown off.

Great. Just great. Now, she couldn't finish her picture. She glanced down at the faint outline and dimensions of a pigeon. Another sketch that would only be a sketch and nothing more. She lightly shrugged. That's what a sketch book is for right? Sketches. Reclining against the tree trunk, she closed her pale eyes and escaped the world, if even for a little while. Her breath began to even out as she rested her sketch pad and pencil in her lap. Her head lolled back against the trunk. Then, suddenly, the insides of her eyelids were a blinding orange-red. It reminded her of the color of the sky during a sunset or sunrise.

The pale blue of her eyes showed themselves as her eyes opened. She immediately picked up her pencil and began to sketch the scene forming in her mind. The sunset was formed over sand dunes, something she has never seen before. However, she definitely would see them someday. She had vowed to herself a long time ago that she would see the world. That reason was part of the reason why she became a ninja. A small part, but a part non-the-less. Just as she finished outlining the scene, she heard her little brother calling her.

"Su-su-chan! Dinner is ready!" Her little brother called. From where she was perched, she could see him with his hand shading his eyes as he tried to look for her in the tree tops. His short black hair was a different color than hers. The hair on his head had more of a brown sheen while her own hair had a blue sheen. They both had the same almond pale blue eyes, a trait they got from their father. Closing her sketch book and placing her pencil in her kuni pouch that was attached by straps to her right leg. She moved to a crouch, grabbed her sketch book with her left hand, and steadied herself with her right hand.

"Coming Kai-kun!" She dropped down from her perch landing in-front of her little brother, who was sporting dinosaur pajamas. He smiled a goofy grin that reminded her of Naruto, her cousin Hinata's crush.

"Su-su-chan! We are having our favorite! Stir fry!" He yelled excitedly, jumping up and down clapping his hands together with each jump. She couldn't help but smile. Her brother was just so cute. She grabbed her brother's hand while he was jumping, "Come on then! Let's go eat!" Both skipped to their house in the Hyuuga compound, swinging their arms back and forth in the process.

Finally making it to their two story house, the siblings opened the front door. They were greeted by the sweet aroma of their mother's cooking. Walking into the kitchen, the siblings took their seats at the table.

"Katsura, where were you?" Her mother asked as Katsura filled her plate. Her mother was the standard Hyuuga with the pale purple eyes and flat black hair. She wore her usual out-fit of a white tank top under neither a loose tan t-shirt with the Hyuuga clan symbol on the back. Her legs were covered with tan shorts, and her feet were covered in black ninja shoes.

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