Chapter one

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Chapter one:

I never knew the difference between a wolf and a werewolf, not until Jacob Anderson was killed.

Late October of my senior year when it happened. Jacob was someone I knew from the same school—considering it was only a small town, everybody in school knew who he was. Apparently, being the school football's captain, he was already considered a saint even before he died. He was really popular and well loved by everyone around him—also include the fact that his girlfriend Jennifer was someone I was a friend with. So when the moment the incident happened, he became the whole talk of the town.

 Several reports and investigation have stated that a huge gash on his neck and torn skin within the stomach area could come from an attack of bears or a pack of wolves; nobody could tell. But as far as the public was theorizing, it came from the wolves.

And so the bottom-line now is: everybody hates the wolves.

"Who do you think did it? Maybe it was a person—a highly respective person, or maybe someone who has the money. They were just covering it up for them so the public wouldn't have to know." Olivia said.

I looked at her ridiculously. We were side by side walking together for our next class. "If it was a person, then he could've gotten a knife or a gun, and didn't skin him alive because that would leave such evidence. And besides, everybody knows Jacob iswell loved in this town. It would be such a laugh if someone hated him."

"Well maybe someone did. I mean, he's everything a person could envied for—he's got the looks, money, friends... basically everything."

"We don't know that for sure," I said.

When we got to our classroom, I sat down on my usual seat at the back; Olivia in front of me. The seat beside me was still openly empty. Jennifer hasn't attended any of her class ever since last week. Everybody knew the reason, and they were giving credit for her considering they were both in love. I was still worried for her. Everybody was worried for her, whether they personally knew her or not.

The bell rang and eventually, the teacher was there. I wasn't much surprised about the third in a row this week how Mr. Dakota discussed about the horrible incident of Jacob Anderson, or about the wolves behavior, which I think was irrelevant to what was our lesson. But everybody was enthusiastic about it.

"Everyone should know that wolves are highly dangerous predators. They should not be touched or interacted, however for the tragic incident last week, the cops have pointed out that anyone will not be getting near the forest. It will be a protected area from now on, and anyone who will disobey into going into those woods will be charged of trespassing. We don't want any of our students to be getting in trouble and... being in danger. So everyone should bear in mind that your safety is our number one priority. For anyone who knows anything that could contribute to the investigation of the incident, could come up to the office. It's never too late."

Everyone started whispering, starting conversations I could hear off. The whole room was terrified, some were thrilled, and some didn't care at all. I didn't know where I belong.  For the fact that the forest where Jack was killed was just near our house, and that the woods was somewhere I used to go when the incident didn't yet happened makes me feel nothing at all.

Was I scared of wolves?

I wasn't sure of the answer.

When my classes ended, Olivia and I walked to the cafeteria to have lunch. The whole school still seems to be affected that their football captain is now dead, after all it's only been a week; Jennifer wasn't still here. Everyone seems to be giving respect to Jacob, and I could only give my condolences to Jennifer.

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