Sincerely Wishing You The Best.

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Talk about a shitty fucking week. Charles "Chuck" Brown, AKA Kite Man, has not had the best luck. Like, at ALL. He had found out that Ivy, his fiancée he wanted to marry, had been fooling around with her best friend Harley Quinn, all thanks to Dr. Psycho giving him and everyone in Gotham a hologram visual of them making love, thus Ivy cheating on Kite Man. But that was only the second time. Just when he thought he couldn't get any worse, it did. Here, on his wedding day, completely fucked up by Jim Gordon and the GCPD, who was looking to arrest every single villain that had been invited to the wedding. Chaos ensues and it's a total goddamn blood bath. A wedding made for Hell. And that is what exactly what Kite Man was experiencing at this very moment and he couldn't handle it. But the hardest truth he couldn't handle is what he himself would have to admit which he had been denying to himself since he and Ivy had started the relationship.


Harley Quinn: You guys can still get married! We can just Photoshop a bunch of shit and you're both in the clear! Boom! Shitty problems solved!

Poison Ivy: Yeah! Okay, yeah! Let's do this! See, Chuck? We can have this now! Let's do it!

Chuck himself looked at both women. He switched from Harley to Ivy, and from Ivy to Harley. He couldn't deny it anymore. He couldn't keep up the façade any longer. Looking around the corn venue as it now becomes a shell of its former glory. He looks back at Harley and Ivy who are confused and concerned at Kite Man's silence.

Poison Ivy: Chuck? Babe?

Harley Quinn: Come on! What are you waiting for? Yes or no?

He closes his eyes, takes a big deep depressed sigh, opens them, and then closes them again for a moment to only raise his hand up to his face and then...

Harley Quinn: !?

Poison Ivy: !?

...Takes off his mask! His face revealed to the only two people in front of him. Chuck had never ever once taken it off. Not for anyone or anything. But nowhere he was revealing his face. Chuck was fairly handsome in his own right for being an average man. Looked to be in his 30's, brown hair, and Caucasian. The girls were shocked. Harley was surprised. He looked fairly handsome without the mask. Ivy agreed on that as well.

Kite Man: Sighs. Harley, answer your question...

Harley and Ivy: Yeah?

Kite Man: Hell...NO.

Harley and Ivy: What!?

Kite Man: Yes, I said no. Capital N to the O. No.

Harley Quinn: What the fuck you mean no!? You're the "Hell Yeah" kind of guy! Not a hell no guy! Now all of a sudden you're flipping the script!? What the shit!

Kite Man: Harley, please...shut the fuck up. You really gotta shut the fuck up.

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