[ Laptop ]

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Bang Chan has been through a lot

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Bang Chan has been through a lot... more than we would ever know. What looked like seven years to us was many many more to him.

Chan is stuck in a time loop. It begins on April 4th 2017 and ends March 25th of 2018, right before the clock can strike 00:00. He doesn't know why those dates or why he's stuck in a time loop but he can't escape and everything is just so tiring to him. His laptop and the information on it is the only thing that stays with him, the only thing that keeps him sane.


"Yue you haven't finished any of your other stories why are you releasing another one?"

AND YOU KOW WHAT I HAVE TO SAY TO YOU? You're absolutely right! :D but I'm going to release this one anyways~ I hope you enjoy!!

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