Molbol's Prison

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The prison of Jackulas guards the most dangerous criminals. Once, the police captured the hitman Molbol and imprisoned him at Jackulas. Jackulas was heavily guarded which gave Molbol a hard time thinking of a plan to escape. Molbol found a shovel at the prison's gym which he brought to his cell.

The shovel was color pink and is very heavy. When the night came and the patrolling guards accidentally fell asleep, Molbol tried to dig at his cell. He lifted the shovel but it was too heavy so it fell. The shovel made a huge hole which leads to the prison's arsenal and it also awakened the guards.

Molbol quickly jumped into the arsenal and stole some guns. He went to the prison warden's office and knocked out every guard who stands on his way with his stealth, skills, and experience. Molbol knocked out the warden Temukas then exchanged clothes with him. He wore a mask then freed every prisoner.

The prisoners exchanged clothes with the guards which they knocked out then brought the guards into their cells. Molbol and the prisoners acted as the guards of Jackulas. The prisoners who wanted to be free went out of the prison but most of the prisoners especially Molbol stayed because they were being paid by the government.

Molbol changed the prison's name into Molbol's Prison. Every time a criminal was brought to the prison they make them choose if they want to be a guard or if they want to be freed. Molbol continued to be the fake warden for 4 years. The guards which they exchanged positions with are still in their cells.

The original warden Temukas found the shovel that Molbol used. The warden dug his way through his cell's concrete wall. He freed the other guards of the prison and fought with Molbol and his criminal friends. Temukas and the guards managed to bring the criminals back to their cells.

Temukas threw the shovel away because it could cause another trouble in the prison. The prison's name was changed back to Jackulas. Molbol was escaping because he ran into the prison's exit door before being captured. Molbol found the shovel and destroyed the prison with it by digging a lot of holes in it.

~The End~

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2020 ⏰

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