Well then.....

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This story was inspired by the MLG streamed promotional tournament that Goldenblackhawk,DanzNewz,
and Dexter Manning participated in yesterday. Basically iswas Minecraft survival game where any Youtubers could participate for a chance to win $5000 dollars. The Creatures were against like Minecraft expert Youtubers and to say the least they really I didn't have a chance. Anyways not too bad for The Creature honestly I thoroughly enjoyed the stream whether they won or not. So on to the story!

Kevin Pov

Kevin blankly stared the screen as he numbly thought , I just lost $5000. Even though he was the second last alive,he had been no where near the strength of the winner who had so how managed to get full diamond armor and several golden apples. The final death match hadn't even put a dent in the other guy. However the loss still stunned him, although him, Dan, and especially not Dex hadn't taken it seriously. People in the chat had even said that the other Youtubers competing the promotional Minecraft tournament uploaded solely Minecraft in their channels. What a fair completion to say the least.

He sighed stretching his frozen stiff muscles behind him as he lifted himself from Hordan's desk still shivering. Dan had left immediately after his loss
, though not without congratulating for second place. He had to leave due to some special movie tickets.
He made his way across to the door, looking back once more with a dejected frown as he mumbled under his breath "Probably rigged anyway".

He bound down the hall eyes cast down onto the floor when suddenly he rebound off of a sturdy barrier. He snapped his head up surprised to see Jamed look down at him angrily for not watching where he was going but then suddenly explode into laughter. While James' hysteria escalated to the point of tears, Kevin just gave him a pointed glare. With a huff he thought, I don't need this right now. Kevin just side-stepped the hysterical James and proceeded down the hall towards the new expansions of the office. "H-Hey Kev-vin you could be $5000 richer right now." He pause trying to keep his laughter under control, failing as he continued,"You did alright but its h-hilarious to think of how close you were to winning, especially after Dan b-basically sacrificed himself off that treehouse on a boat". Distancing himself from James' uproar, Kevin just continued down the hall, lifting his hand in a silent farewell.

On his way out, he was met with Aleks giving a soft smile as he held the back door open leaving too. "I heard James and he's right you didn't do too bad of a job representing all of us. You put up a fight and that's what counts, right?" Aleks offered, winking at the end. Kevin walked through the opened door stuttering,"D-damn straight it does".

Aleks waved goodbye to him walking in the direction of his own car. At that moment, Kevin noticed that even though it was -2 degrees Fahrenheit, he could still feel heat slowly pooling to his cheeks. As Kevin climbed into his car he shook his head, ignoring that thought as he head home with a content smile on his face. He definitely felt better now, dern sure better.

So hope you liked the story if you had watched the MLG stream. #sheneverleft
If you did watch comment on whose POV you watched and if you enjoyed drunk Dex as much as I did XD haha
Anyways love you guys and don't be shy tell me what you think in the comments ^_^

5000 {ImmortalAnex One-Shot}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang