Simply Mad

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Spirit hung from the wall, held there by Soul Sutures. He had given up trying to reason with him.

"Did you think I couldn't hear, senpai?" He spat the last word like a curse. "Did you think I didn't know what you and that tottering old, fool, Death were planning behind closed doors, senpai?"

He flicked his fingers and the sutures tightened until they ripped at the scythe's skin, blood leaking from the wounds. He released a wordless scream that quickly dissolved into tiny whimpers. The corners of his mouth curled upwards. They had been doing this for hours and that still hadn't gotten old.

"Ah, does it hurt, senpai? Feel like you're falling apart, senpai? Losing your mind, senpai?" He laughed. A cold, bitter sound. "Good."

The sound of someone banging on the metal door rang out through the patchwork lab. Stein turned to face the door, green eyes glowing with a faint blue fire. "Oh?" He sounded amused. "Oh, oh, oh?" He turned back to Spirit.

"Do you know who's at the door, senpai?" Spirit didn't respond. He couldn't. He had cut out his tongue hours ago. He tilted his head and walked closer. "Did you know that dear, sweet little Maka is at the door, senpai?" Spirit's eyes widened. He continued, "Little Maka and all her friends."

He leaned closer to speak in his ear, "It would be cruel to just leave them out there, wouldn't it?" The banging got louder, now accompanied by shouting. "You always said I shouldn't be so cruel, didn't you, senpai?"

He chuckled, wrapping his fingers around Spirit's throat. "Let's answer the door then, shall we?"

He forced his soul wavelength through Spirit and he released an agonized scream.

-     -     -

A few moments later, Stein was standing outside surrounded by Maka, Black Star, and Death the Kid. He stood there, unconcerned, watching them all through cruel, half-lidded green eyes and cigarette hanging limply between his lips.

Maka spoke up. "Franken Stein," her voice wavered with tears. Stein lazily turned her gaze on the pig-tailed meister.

"You have become a kishin, your soul is corrupted and you have committed several acts of murder, including Lord Death himself... your soul is mine!"

Stein merely gave a lazy half smile. "Is that so?" He lifted Spirit's scythe form over his shoulder and the blade caught the pale light of the cackling moon.

"Come and take it, then."

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