Letter 1- George

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Disclaimer I don't own Harry Potter

December 23 1998
Dear Fred,
It's me your other half George, I know it's been too long and you probably want me to move on but I am afraid I will never be able to move on.

You might be wondering why I am writing to you now and what have I been doing these last 7 months and what about the rest of the family. Well don't worry I will tell you everything my dear bother.

The idea of writing to you actually literally just happened. But before I tell you that I am going to tell you a bit about our dear family and I will tell you more later too. You see Ginny and Hermione decided at the beginning of the school year that they were going back to finish their education. I know we guessed that Hermione would go back but mom kinda made Ginny go back and the surprising bit is she actually wanted to go back and she didn't even throw a fit. Our little sis is finally growing up bro.

So anyway Harry and Ron didn't want to go back. Which made the girls mad at first and then upset and now the couple's are trying to spend as much time together as they can
(You are lucky it's kinda gross but many moments to make fun of)
But I honestly think Ron and Harry made the right choice, you see they were offered Auror jobs and they are now in training. Hermione was also offered a job to but she going to finish her education first.

So back to the night that I had another brilliant idea. Ginny and Hermione just got home for winter break and the holidays. Bill and Fleur were visiting. Percy couldn't make it he was on date ( I know who in their right mind would fall in love with him the biggest prat ) and of course Charlie couldn't come.
Since almost everyone was finally home as mum puts it she made a big dinner. Everyone was talking about what they had done since we last saw them and Teddy Harry's god son was smashing his face into the mush he was eating it was actually quite entertaining.
That's when dad asked a question about muggles of course.

"So the other day," dad started " I was downtown and I saw this little Muggle girl and she asked her mother what she should get her penpal for Christmas. So um Harry Hermione what is a PeN-pAiL."

I think Dad pronounced the word wrong but I think Hermione and Harry got what he meant.

" Well Mr. Weasley a penpal is someone you exchange letters with. But usually it's someone from another country who you have never met." Hermione told him

"Fascinating isn't it." Dad said with that look of wonder he gets on his face when he talks muggles

"Yeah I guess." Ron said as he scooped more food on his plate

"Actually in Muggle school we were forced to write to our penpal." Harry said

"Really did you get any letters back from your PeN-pAl." Dad asked still very interested

"Well no, Dudley always took my letters before I could send them." Harry replied a bit gloomy

"Oh, what about you Hermione?" Dad continued

"I actually only got one letter back." Hermione told him

"Really,"dad said filled with amusement "What did it say."

"Well um,"Hermione started while looking down at her plate " it was from her family saying she had died."

"Bloody Hell!" Ron said as starting to comfort his girlfriend

"Ronald." Mom hissed while covering Teddys ears and then Ginny started giggling

"Don't worry I actually never got to know her."Hermione told us

Then I asked "Hermione, did you ever write to her again after she died."

"Well, I wrote to her family to say sorry for their loss, But that was it really." She answered

And by now everyone at the table was looking at me with that concern look like I was about to have a meltdown or break.

"Why do you ask?" Ginny question me

"George, honey are you okay?" Mum ask me with that worried look she gets

"I think I just might had a good idea." I said getting up from the table, then getting a piece of parchment and a quill and some ink.

When I got up I knew everyone was watching me and thinking 'he has finally lost it'

"Bro what are you doing." I heard one of my bothers ask

"George are you okay." Someone asked the same question

They asked more questions as I cleared a spot on the table. And that's when I told them what my brilliant idea was and what I was about to do.

"You know how Harry and Hermione had those penpal things." Everyone nodded as I continued "Well what if I or even all of us write to Fred so he can still be a part of our life's, so he can still be part of our family, so he can be part of our world and our future. And yes I know it sounds crazy but I really think it will help and I know he is dead and is never going to come back but I still have so much to tell him and I miss him so much and I think this might be my last and only way to communicate with him." I said the last in tears because I really meant it and I wish you were still here .

"That's just uhh well brilliant." Harry said with amazement

"Not brilliant, bloody amazing." Ron said with mum giving him a look

"Well George I think it's a great way to cope with everything you're going through right now." Hermione said

"Yeah George it's amazing idea."said Bill with Fleur nodding in agreement while holding Teddy

"Now hand me a piece of parchment." Ginny said

"You always are so creative George." Mum said while ruffling my hair and kissing me on the head

Everyone else gave a comment about my idea. Then it seemed mum cleared the table in a instant and then Teddy was put to bed and we all sat around the table writing a letter to someone we lost or missed or helping someone with a letter. So that's why I guess I am writing to you. I also want you to know that this is just the beginning of a lot of letters and you know what they say owls always find a way to deliver letters.

Missing you
                     George your other half

So hi what do you think and I am going to do the next letter form someone else and I know this is really bad (sorry)
But thanks for reading

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